Energies of the Week March 3-9, 2025✨🌀💫
Venus Retrograde in Aries, Mercury in Aries
March is not an ordinary month. It is an energetic vortex dissolving our illusions, calling us to face karma head-on, break free from past chains, and prepare for renewal.
With eclipses, Mercury and Venus retrogrades, and Neptune entering Aries, March becomes a gateway of initiation and revelation—a bridge between past and future, where the soul undergoes healing and purification. This period of dramatic transformations forces us to reassess what truly matters and teaches us that separation is not loss but evolution.
The week begins with Venus retrograde in Aries and Mercury in its pre-retrograde shadow phase before stationing retrograde on March 15. When the planet ruling love, relationships, values, desires, comforts, beauty, and creativity changes direction, profound reassessments and healing are required in all that brings us joy and fulfillment.
As Venus retraces its path through 10° Aries – 24° Pisces from March 2 to April 12, we are drawn to revisit the past, re-assess relationships, values, aesthetics, personal needs, and soul contracts and set new priorities. This period may bring back old relationships or past conditions, offering a second chance or closure. It will expose personal deficiencies, and imbalances in our relationships with others and ourselves, urging us to correct and resolve lingering issues.
Patience and discernment are essential now. Despite the impulsivity and enthusiasm of Aries, avoid rushing into new relationships, aesthetic changes, or major investments.
On a collective level, delays in diplomatic negotiations, rigid stances, deadlocked discussions, and the need to reassess strategies have already been prominent.
The fact that this retrograde begins near the degree of the Solar Eclipse at 9° Aries (March 29), coinciding with Mercury’s retrograde (March 9-April 6) from the same degree, signals a highly transformative and karmic period, where past-life themes and unresolved matters will resurface for healing and release.
This energy will be especially potent for those with astrological placements at 6°-11° of Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, as well as 23°-29° of Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini.
Venus retrogrades approximately every 18-19 months for about six weeks (42 days), but in the same zodiac sign only every eight years. The last Venus retrograde in Aries occurred in March-April 2017. While similar themes may resurface, your growth since then will influence how you navigate them now.
From Aries, Venus retrograde asks you to reconnect with your true needs and desires and reassess what is worth your energy and investment. You may notice imbalances in harmony, reciprocity, and self-love, realizing that what once fulfilled you may now feel empty, prompting a search for new meaning and satisfaction.
Above all, this retrograde calls for radical honesty with yourself—to acknowledge what is missing, embrace what truly matters, and align with a way of life that honors your values, creativity, and authenticity. It is a time to heal the parts of yourself that feel unworthy and cultivate greater self-love.
The Sabian symbol for Venus’ station degree, “A Nation’s Leader,” symbolizes the collective need for leadership accountability and integrity. On a personal level, it urges you to take responsibility for your needs, desires, and values, redefining your relationship with authority—both within and around you.
✨🌀On Monday, March 3, Mercury also enters Aries, where it will remain until March 29 before retrograding back into Pisces and returning from April 16 to May 10. This transit accelerates thought process and ignites passionate direct communication. It inspires boldness and decisiveness, allowing us to express what we previously feared. While this energy supports taking action on ideas, the upcoming retrograde period advises careful revisions and awareness of potential misteps.
✨🌀On Wednesday, March 5, Mercury forms a sextile with Pluto (3° Aries – Aquarius), sharpening focus and deepening perception. This transit helps uncover hidden truths, strengthen mental resilience, and engage in transformative conversations. If you have placements in early Fire and Air signs, you can expect pivotal insights and messages that shift your perspective.
✨🌀On Thursday, March 6, the First Quarter Moon 🌓in Gemini♊ (16°21’) creates tensions, conflicts, and dilemmas, particularly for the second decan of Mutable signs. However, this lunation also brings ideas, information, and opportunities to break through limitations and move forward with what greater clarity.
The Moon’s square to the Sun in Pisces urges a balance between intuition and logic, while its conjunction with the royal fixed star Rigel offers strength, determination, and divine guidance.
✨🌀On Saturday, March 8, the Sun trines Mars at 17° Pisces-Cancer, harmonizing will and action. This influence, particularly strong for the middle of the second decan of Water signs, provides momentum to manifest dreams and visions, following emotions and subconscious currents. It is an opportunity to protect what you love, fight for something meaningful, and create works that nourish the soul and spirit.
On this day, the semi-square between the Sun and Pluto creates a current of inner rebellion and transformation. Something within you is shifting, evolving, and breaking free, yet you might feel a lack of control over the process. This can manifest as obsessions, compulsive behaviors, self-destructive patterns, or relationships and situations that feel deeply oppressive.
This aspect challenges you to reclaim your personal power by balancing sensitivity with the need for change. Instead of allowing inner turmoil to consume you, you are invited to channel this intense energy into something meaningful—activism, healing, spiritual teaching, or metaphysical exploration.
On the same day, the Sun’s semi-square to Pluto at 18° Pisces-3° Aquarius generates inner turmoil and a sense of losing control, potentially triggering obsessions, compulsions, self-destructive tendencies, or oppressive relationships and circumstances. This calls for inner mastery—balancing sensitivity with the need for transformation and channeling this intensity into activism, healing, spiritual teachings, or metaphysical exploration.
March acts as a corridor between the past and the future—not a month to rush forward, but one that urges us to pause. With eclipses and planetary retrogrades, we are called to stand still, look deep within, and confront our truths.
This is a time to understand, correct, feel, and release whatever weighs us down and no longerserves us.
By the time this month comes to an end and the shadows recede, we will find ourselvesstanding at the threshold of a new beginning, in a transformed landscape. No longer the same, but more prepared to walk a new path.
Wishing you a blessed week and a month filled with light and love!✨💫🕊☮
With love💓💓💓
Sofia Semeli