✨2025 will mark the beginning of your personal reinvention, offering you the opportunity to broaden your horizons, focus on your personal and social growth, and redefine your career, values, and both your personal and family relationships.
The year’s eclipses in Virgo and Pisces will prompt you to close and open chapters related to your social standing and image, significant commitments, business matters, as well as your home and family base. This process will help you achieve better balance between the practical aspects of life, spiritual development, and your dreams, facilitating an internal or external “renovation” that will ensure a healthier emotional foundation. The Solar Eclipse in Aries in March, the last in the Aries-Libra axis, could pave the way for a new friendship, ambition, or group project.
Mars retrograde until February 23, initially in Leo, will prompt you to reassess how you communicate, interact, promote your brand, or move around. Once it retrogrades into Cancer from January 6, it will bring reevaluations regarding values, financial sources, habits, possessions, and investments, guiding you to set new priorities, solve problems, and adopt a different management approach.
Venus retrograde in Aries from March will give you the opportunity to reconnect with friends, groups, and social networks, offering a second chance for a past goal or ambition. It will also encourage you to reassess your priorities and consider what truly supports your personal growth.
While Venus is retrograde in Pisces from March 26 to April 12, you’ll reflect on your professional relationships and goals, evaluating whether your social image aligns with your dreams, long-term plans, and personal truth.
Neptune’s entry into Aries (March 30-October 21) will open a new cycle of spiritual growth, closely tied to your friendships, social connections, and communities. While there may be some deception in these areas, you’ll also be called to seek a new purpose, connect with those who share your ideals and vision, and build networks that are more meaningful and supportive.
Saturn’s move into Pisces from May 24 to August 30 will bring the discipline necessary to give shape to your dreams and ambitions, offering practical ways to bring what is possible and right for you to life. You may also face more responsibilities and commitments to friends, groups, and social networks, as well as the need to release those that no longer align with your values.
Jupiter’s presence in your sign until June will continue to support goal achievement, enhancing self-awareness and optimism. When Jupiter moves into Cancer on June 9 for the following year, it will bring opportunities for new emotional and financial investments, boosting your self-esteem, increasing abundance, and helping you feel more secure and ready for risks.
Uranus in Taurus has sparked a significant inner awakening in recent years. Its trial move into Gemini from July 7 to November 6 will signal the beginning of a period that will transform key aspects of your life, personally regenerate you, and provide the chance to free yourself from outdated relationships, roles, and habits. You’ll find what excites you and keeps you energized.
Finally, Pluto’s new position in Aquarius will enhance your knowledge and experiences through travel, education, spiritual teachings, and interactions with the outside world. These will inspire a radical transformation in your beliefs and worldview, encouraging you to embrace new perspectives and deepen your personal growth. ✨