• New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2,2024

    New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 2,2024

    New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra✨🎇♎

     October 2, 2024

     “The Power of Goodbye”

    This is one of those moments when the Sun won’t disappear completely but will radiate like a bright ring of fire, reminding us of a magical passage of transformation that is now open—a powerful portal we must cross with courage and trust.

    This gateway reveals truths and shows us karmic cycles that are closing, while new ones are opening, promising new ways of being and growth.

    The New Moon and Annular Solar Eclipse which takes place at 10°03′ of Libra🎇♎ on October 2nd at 21:49 (Greek time) is the final eclipse in this cycle with the South Node in Libra. From this sign of partnership and cooperation, you’re called to reevaluate your relationships, release old patterns and mistakes of the past, and find a new way to coexist, connect, share, and love.

    This eclipse belongs to the Saros series 8 South, associated with loss, painful separations, physical injuries, and exhaustion. The fact that this is a South Node eclipse makes it even more fateful, as it signals a time to confront our past attachments and release difficult karmic or psychological burdens, close cycles, and chapters, no matter how challenging, to move closer to the evolutionary path symbolized by the North Node.

    We don’t often get a mirror like this Libra eclipse, one that reflects where balance has been lost in our lives and the immense energy of the eclipse allows us to make significant changes, restore lost harmony, and heal relationships—starting with the most important one, the one we have with ourselves.

    Following the powerful Kazimi (exact conjunction) of Mercury and the Sun in Libra on September 30th, near the South Node, we will experience great clarity about what no longer serves our higher good and the time has come to end it finally.

    This eclipse cycle, which has influenced us for approximately 1,5 years, especially since last year’s October 14th eclipse in Libra, has pushed us to redefine harmony, equality, peace, and justice in our relationships and lives. We’ve been called to remove what is holding us back so that we can move forward.

    Now, dysfunctional relationships may be tested again, old alliances and agreements may dissolve, and people may part ways or come together to fulfill their destiny.

    After the profound shifts and developments that will unfold over the next six months, until the next eclipse and Full Moon in Libra in March 2025, one thing is certain: you will have different standards and closed old chapters and will be able to look ahead, recognizing the new path that opens for you, along with the new people who are destined to play important roles in your life.

    If you belong to Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn, with personal planets or chart points between 6°–13°—you are particularly impacted by this eclipse’s energy. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to correct and heal what you couldn’t previously see or address. Use the fire from the North Node in Aries—the only fire sign present in the chart—to boldly hit the reset button and reintroduce yourself, both to others and yourself.

    This new level of consciousness urges you to recognize your tendency to give too much while receiving little in return, to prioritize others over your own needs, to be indecisive or procrastinate on matters requiring your active participation, to engage in codependency and compromises in your relationships—personal, social, or professional—can no longer continue. And these patterns only hold you back.

    The involvement of Mercury, which forms a challenging square with Mars in Cancer, during this eclipse signifies potential difficulties in communication, travel, and matters related to children and young people. With the energy making us more sensitive, irritable, and prone to hasty conclusions and words that hurt, it becomes harder to ignore our impulses and desires or to make easy compromises.

    Moreover, the eclipse’s discord with Uranus suggests that internal and external conflicts, along with unpredictable changes, are likely to disrupt harmony in relationships and diplomacy and these challenges will test us.

    Thus patience, self-control, and the release of energy through physical activity or creative projects are essential during this time. We are also called to shift our mindset, defend what is necessary, and be cautious in how we communicate and move through life to avoid potential mishaps.

    The conjunction of Black Moon Lilith with the Sun, Moon, and Mercury during this eclipse brings to the surface repressed emotions, hidden desires, and passions. This may ignite social discussions and legislative developments around issues of equality, and reproductive and sexual freedom, for women and gender minorities.

    Venus, the ruler of this eclipse, from her detriment position in Scorpio, forces us to confront our most difficult emotions from the Plutonian depths, searching far and wide for truth, love, happiness, and the soul’s intentions.

     The harmonious Grand Trine in Water between Venus, Mars in Cancer, and retrograde Saturn in Pisces provides stability, maturity, and determination to face crises and achieve even something difficult. It may bring reunions and offer the opportunity to rebuild relationships with fresh consciousness, making new choices that lead to success. This energy offers greater confidence in our desires, the ability to provide emotional support to others, and to let our emotions guide us.

    For those in the second decan of Water and Earth signs, this planetary synergy fosters collaboration, companionship, emotional security, creative and reproductive power, and intuition. It’s a time to align with people and situations that honor, support, and spiritually align with us (Saturn in Pisces), allowing us to commit and invest long-term.

    Karmic bonds and relationships from the past may also resurface, and while they may take time to develop, they will be built on solid foundations with long-term potential.

    On a global scale, this eclipse could lead to international developments in agreements, alliances, and partnerships between nations. It may also ignite military conflicts, highlighting the urgent need for reform and diplomatic action to maintain peace and social stability.

    Alongside the disruptions and revelations that will shake political and social balance, we may also see changes to unjust or oppressive laws, particularly those related to human rights, equality, and justice, while the downfall of a prominent leader is also a possibility.

    The New Moon in Libra, arriving right after the Autumn Equinox, is typically the time when we set intentions and start moving towards what we want to achieve by the Winter Solstice. Since this time coincides with an eclipse, we may not feel entirely ready or focused on our goals, and we may not be guaranteed a predictable outcome.

    What is certain, though, is that this eclipse will push us to add or subtract from the scales of life what is necessary, and to make better choices that will allow us to step into the next chapter and bloom.

    This powerful energetic gateway is here to give you the momentum to leave behind old mindsets, ways of life, and versions of yourself. It’s time to begin anew and love yourself and others differently, honoring your authentic nature and truth.

    May the energy of the Νew Moon eclipse bless you with peace and growth!✨🎇🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓
    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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