• Energies of the Week September 23-29 2024 Autumn Equinox

    Energies of the Week September 23-29 2024 Autumn Equinox

     Energies of the Week  September 23-29, 2024
    Autumn Equinox

    We are in the potent energy between two eclipses: the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (September 18) and the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Libra (October 2). As we process the lessons and changes brought by these celestial events, we may not yet be able to connect all the dots. However, after the Autumn Equinox, we have officially entered a new season, that invites us to focus on relationships, to become more present within ourselves, and to restore balance.

    ✨🍁On September 22, the Sun enters Libra🎇♎the archetype of partnership, harmony, and balance, and from September 26, Mercury will also be in the sign, prompting us to share, communicate, and collaborate more. It’s a time to invest in meaningful connections and use relationships as a mirror for healing what needs attention within ourselves.

    On the same day Venus, ruler of the Autumn Equinox, forms an exact square with Pluto at the critical 29° Libra-Capricorn. This transformative aspect sets the tone for the next three months, signifying profound changes in partnerships, social relations, alliances, finances, values, and creativity.

     This alignment may lead us to reconsider our desires and choices in the coming period and confront intense emotions, fears of loss, and issues of control or betrayal within relationships. It also challenges us to reassess how our emotional needs are met. And if certain relationships are no longer beneficial and have reached a breaking point, we may need to let them go to restore balance.

    On a collective level, the disharmony between Venus and Pluto may expose corruption in power structures, human rights violence, and violence against the feminine principle. It could also lead to the dissolution of alliances, economic collapses, and bankruptcies, outcomes of long-standing processes meant to bring about reforms, fairer distribution of resources, and social justice.

    ✨🍁On Monday, September 23, a sesquiquadrate between Venus and retrograde Saturn at 29° Libra-Pisces signals emotional and financial hardships, difficulties in expressing feelings, tensions, and insecurities for those directly affected.

    However, this energy also urges us to accept limitations, take responsibility, and recognize the value of self-worth, which can be key to overcoming challenges, maturing, and working harder for what we desire and deserve.

    Shortly after, Venus begins her transformative journey in Scorpio ♏, the sign of her detriment, where she will remain until October 17. This placement makes us emotionally vulnerable, urging us to dive into the depths of our souls, embrace shadows and wounds, and heal emotional scars or karmic issues rooted in the past. Venus in Scorpio also rules the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Libra, giving her an enhanced role in the weeks ahead, urging us to seek emotional fulfillment and deep, meaningful relationships that foster personal growth and transformation.

     ✨🍁On Tuesday, September 24, the Moon enters its Last Quarter phase🌗 at 2° Cancer ♋ preparing us to close the current lunar cycle. From the archetype that represents emotions, inner security, family, and roots, we are called to examine what works on an emotional level and what does not, assess our emotional boundaries, and release toxic relationships and attachments that no longer serve us.

    As the Moon forms a trine with Venus, sensitivity, tenderness, and protection towards what we love increase, bringing beautiful and romantic connections, deeper bonds, and opportunities to rekindle old relationships and strengthen family ties.

    That same day, Mercury takes the Sun’s previous place in the Kite formation with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. This powerful astrological alignment prominent in the Autumn Equinox chart, will help us make leaps and breakthroughs in learning, teaching, communication, negotiations, business transactions, spiritual work, and technological development. It provides clarity, perspective shifts, and growth potential, especially if you have personal planets or points in the final degrees of Earth and Water signs.

    Thanks to Mercury’s trine with Uranus at 27° Virgo-Taurus, you may start seeing more possibilities and have exciting news or unexpected meetings that will surprise and inspire you. Meanwhile, insights and innovative ideas may alter your decisions and plans, helping you improve your daily life, health, and work.

    ✨🍁On Wednesday, September 25, Mercury’s opposition to Neptune at 28° Virgo-Pisces, helps us discern unclear messages, lies, and illusions. On a collective level, this aspect could coincide with misinformation and false news meant to mislead. However, simultaneous revelations linked to scandals, frauds, and secrets will open our eyes.

    Though this influwncw isn’t ideal for making agreements or decisions, it strongly supports artistic and spiritual pursuits, allowing us to approach what’s coming with heightened intuition and imagination.

    On the same day, the sesquiquadrate between Mars and Uranus at 12° Cancer-27° Taurus may trigger anxiety and tension but aims to help us reinvent how we react toward the unexpected. Under this influence, you may feel torn between wanting emotional stability and security and simultaneously desire to break free from routine and do something unconventional. Sudden disagreements and conflicts in relationships could also arise, especially if you feel emotionally restricted, causing you to react in an unpredictable way. However, these tensions can show you where you need more freedom and space and the best approach is to focus on actions that will liberate you from old patterns while respecting your need for security.

    ✨🍁On Thursday, September 26, the second sesquiquadrate between Saturn and Pluto occurs at 14° Pisces-29° Capricorn, following the first on May 6 when Pluto was retrograde in Aquarius.  The third and final aspect will form again on January 27, with Pluto direct in the sign.

     As both planets are now retrograde and Pluto is ingressing the critical 29° Capricorn for the last time, tensions and transformation processes are culminating, requiring internal changes.

    In the part of your chart where you have 14° Pisces, you may realize something must be deconstructed and transformed—whether it’s a dream you’ve outgrown or a goal hindered by external forces or personal insecurities. Something certainly needs to change, urging you to confront your weaknesses, let go of old forms of power and control, and use Pluto’s strength to be reborn and build something new in that area of your life.

    At a global level, this influence predicts crucial trials for powers, oligarchies, and systems—clashes between traditional and new spiritual or social structures. These will ultimately give rise to a new paradigm, new governance models, and new social movements essential as Pluto moves through Aquarius.

    ✨🍁On Friday, September 27, Mercury forms a trine with Pluto at 29° Virgo-Capricorn, favoring the late degrees of Earth and Water signs. This aspect brings exceptional focus, mental clarity, deep transformative thinking, and the information needed to solve problems and make radical changes. If you’re affected, you can use this energy to delve into psychological, spiritual, or other issues, uncover truths and motives beneath the surface, and improve your career, daily life, and personal life by utilizing knowledge and skills.

    For the collective, this influence may bring revelations and transparency in structures, systems, and authorities, as well as important information and strategic decisions that could change the course of nations, organizations, and institutions. New labor policies and reforms in businesses, organizations, and economic systems are also likely, potentially offering practical solutions to challenges in these sectors.

    Later the same day, Mercury moves into Libra, where it will remain until October 13, giving new momentum and ideas, especially to the air and fire signs. From this archetype of balance and partnership, Mercury will promote refined communication and diplomacy, harmonious social interactions, and cooperation. It will enable us to be more flexible, conciliatory, and compromising, helping us see both sides of a situation and find common ground in discussions.

    Furthermore, Mercury in Venus’ realm is expected to increase interest in aesthetics, fashion, art, and social justice, offering opportunities for amicable settlements and profitable alliances. However, we must also overcome indecisiveness, which is one of the syndromes of this placement, and accept that there are no perfect solutions or decisions that can satisfy everyone.

    As we step into the darker half of the year, following the Autumn Equinox, the time when Persephone descends into the Underworld, this is a moment to express gratitude for the year that is ending and for all we have learned and accomplished. It’s a time for turning inward, connecting with our inner strength and wisdom, and preparing for new growth.

    Despite the challenges presented by Venus, ruler of the Equinox, due to her interactions with  Pluto and Saturn, retrograde Neptune opposite the Sun, gives us the chance to find a magical way out.

     Neptune inspires and encourages us to dream and believe in what we cannot yet see and remember the sacredness within us despite our flaws. There is still magic within, waiting to unfold!

    Wishing everyone a blessed week and a blessed Autumn season!✨🍁🕊☮🍂

    With love💓💓💓

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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