• Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 18 2024

    Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces September 18 2024

    Super Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ✨🌕♓September 18th, 2024

    ”In the sound… of silence”

    Under the influence of this celestial event, we may feel drained, lacking energy, or as if we’re floating in uncharted waters, without a compass. However, the purpose of these eclipses is to accelerate life changes, attune us to new frequencies, and push us toward paths we may have long desired but never dared to walk. This is the transformative power of eclipses.

    This upcoming Lunar Eclipse inaugurates the new cycle of eclipses on the Pisces-Virgo axis, which will concern us until February 2027. It will help us see what we previously overlooked, face challenges and revelations in the house of our horoscope where they occur, and allow us to make a new beginning by closing a chapter.

    The Partial Lunar Eclipse occurring on September 18 at 5:34 a.m. (Greek time) at 25°40’ in Pisces will have lasting effects for at least the next six months and primarily impact those with astrological placements in mutable signs Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces near this degree. This eclipse, heralds significant developments, especially as the lunar nodes move into the Pisces-Virgo axis by spring 2025, as currently, the nodes are in Aries-Libra, working to close previous cycles.

    The fact that this is also a Super Full Moon amplifies its power and magic, especially as  Neptune, its ruler, sits at the critical 29° Pisces retrograde and is in conjunction with the Moon signifying an unparalleled transformative process.

    At this final degree of the entire zodiac wheel, Neptune in Pisces finds us deeply connected with our intuition, subconscious, dreams, imagination, higher selves, and our Source. This is the time for ultimate reflection, where forgiveness, purification, healing, and liberation are necessary. We are invited to envision what we truly desire and engage in the magical manifestation process with renewed faith.

    With Neptune opposite the Sun, we may feel exhausted, stuck and have disappointments, doubts, insecurities, or a desire to escape reality. There could be significant revelations, uncovering things we’ve ignored or avoided. Subconscious fears, insecurities, and illusions may intensify, making it easy to lose touch with reality, feel disillusioned, or fall into a victim mindset, waiting for salvation instead of taking action and responsibility.

    Despite this, a unique Kite formation, with Neptune at the apex, gives us a higher perspective and enhances our faith and the strength to transcend challenges. This allows us to manage inevitable or fateful changes better and accept what is ending in our journey.

     Part of this Kite includes a Grand Earth Trine between the Sun in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn, in the final degrees of these signs. This brings immediate manifestation in our physical reality, offering great potential for realization. While the opposition between the Virgo Sun and Neptune calls us to take practical steps to bring a dream to life, letting go of what no longer serves us, whether it be a job, relationship, behavior, environment, or lifestyle, leads us to greater growth.

    The astrological alignments of Uranus in Taurus (since 2018), Pluto in Capricorn (since 2008), and Neptune in Pisces (since 2011) are slowly shifting into air and fire signs by 2025, heralding the end of an era with no return. If you have personal planets or significant chart points at the end degrees of these signs, this transition will impact you profoundly, confirming that whatever is leaving your life now is no longer in alignment with your path.

     The Kite formation during the eclipse, particularly beneficial for 24°-30° Earth and Water signs, is remarkably supportive and protective. It helps us accept, heal, and remove what no longer works, while simultaneously opening the path toward a new destination and source of abundance. Neptune enhances our intuition and faith, Uranus awakens and liberates us from the old, and Pluto helps us transform our fears, and emerge stronger, allowing for rebirth.

    Additionally, this is a North Node eclipse, working toward the future and evolution. It highlights themes of health, well-being, productivity, and work. With Uranus and Pluto’s influence, new scientific achievements, technological upgrades, and economic transformations are also highly likely.

    Other developments linked to the Virgo-Pisces eclipse axis may involve hospitals, institutions, religion, social services, health and bureaucratic issues, databases, chemicals, medicines, water, oil, oceans, the subconscious, psychiatric issues, spiritual movements, charities, immigration, and the film industry. While eclipses in Pisces often bring floods, storms, tides, tears, and a lethargic influence, urging us to rest more, set better boundaries, and protect our sleep, immune system, and psyche, while also guarding against addictions, deceptions, and leaks of any kind.

    On a more positive note, this lunar event is a powerful activation for artists, healers, spiritual teachers, and lightworkers, who may feel called to a new mission, experience fresh inspiration, and receive recognition that strengthens and empowers them.

    Mercury’s opposition to retrograde Saturn may cause negative thoughts, anxiety, and obstacles in communication and decision-making. However, with Mercury in its exaltation at 15° Virgo, we can be more pragmatic and encouraged to have clear and serious discussions and seek answers to complex or hidden matters, bringing greater clarity to our path forward.

    The Venus-Chiron opposition at 23° Libra-Aries, highlights relationship wounds and social justice issues, encouraging us to confront and heal our emotional scars. This moment invites us to play the role of healer in our relationships or begin the process of self-healing, leading to greater self-love and respect.

    Furthermore the trine formed between Venus, which is positioned on the fortunate fixed star Spica, and the dispositor of the eclipse, Jupiter, offers new perspectives, allows us to fulfill desires and feel self-sufficient, to be generous, to express feelings of love, and find more joy, optimism, and the abundance we seek.

    Mars in Cancer, forming a T-square with the Lunar Nodes, places us at a karmic crossroads, reflecting our battles between the old and the new. It calls for decisive actions and choices, driven by emotion, that will propel us towards our destined path.

    Despite potential conflicts in personal relationships, family, or group, and even civil unrest or violence, as Mars is in a debilitated state and ‘’out of bounds’’, this is a critical moment for our future. We must defend what is precious, fight for what we want, and release emotional burdens and dependencies to align with our higher purpose.

    The Sabian symbol for the Sun’s degree, “A boy with a censer near the altar,” suggests initiation into a sacred mission, divine service, and connection with our higher self and Source.

     Meanwhile, the Moon’s symbol, “A New Moon reveals its influence,” points to new beginnings, choices, and opportunities that each of us interprets and utilizes differently based on our character, free will, and starting point.This degree invites us to accept that even those closest to us may now choose a different path.While we must remain open to all possibilities and understand that the absence of what we once thought we needed can free us to think differently and create space for something new.

    One of the gifts of the Pisces Full Moon Eclipse is the ability to turn inward, listen to the deeper wisdom of your soul, and release what no longer serves you and in this sound of silence, you can dream and trust that something greater is now guiding and supporting you!✨

    Blessings for a magical Eclipse!✨🌕🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓
    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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