• Mars in Cancer  2024-2025

    Mars in Cancer 2024-2025

    Mars in Cancer ✨♋

    Entering September 4, 2024 – Εxiting April 18, 2025

    ‘’Protecting what matters’’

    The energy that drives us, fuels our passions and gives us reasons to fight and assert ourselves, coming from  Mars, has changed form and area of influence, as the planet of action and willpower has moved into the cardinal sign of Cancer from September 4th.

    Cancer, an intuitive and sensitive archetype that governs emotions, maternal instincts, home, family, homeland, heritage, and roots, will prompt us to channel our energy into these areas.

     We will be encouraged to take initiative, fight battles, and control our impulses in these domains. This influence will stay with us for a longer period this time, as Mars will move directly through Cancer and advance into Leo from November 4th to December 6th, reaching up to 6° of Cancer. Then, Mars will start its retrograde motion, returning to Cancer on January 6th, becoming direct again through the sign from February 24th to April 18th, passing through 17°-29°.

     Cancer is the sign of Mars’ fall, a position that makes the planet more vulnerable and prevents it from fully expressing its potential, where it is driven more by emotion, becoming protective, often defensive, and constantly seeking security.

    This astrological condition will make us particularly protective in the coming period, ready to defend our intimate environment, private life, loved ones, and whatever we hold most precious. It will also make us capable of making decisions and choices from this cardinal sign, unlike Mars in mutable Gemini, where we had to explore multiple alternatives, seek more information, and negotiate.

    The cardinal signs—Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn—will be the most immediate recipients of this energy and experience significant developments. Meanwhile, the water signs and, to a lesser extent, the earth signs may benefit, gradually gaining more confidence, support, and assertiveness. As long as we are all mindful of mood swings, passive-aggressive behavior, and excessive emotional attachment, which can be the shadow manifestations of this particular position.

    One of the most critical moments during Mars’ stay in Cancer is the square it will form with the Lunar Nodes in Aries and Libra on September 16th, which will influence us from September 12th to 18th. This is a pivotal crossroads, asking us to confront whatever keeps us trapped in karma and the past, urging us to break free from personal inhibitions and comfort zones to move forward. This aspect may bring up family issues and problems in group relationships, compelling us to listen more to our personal needs, act from the heart, and choose a path aligned with evolution, future success, and fulfilling our purpose.

    Mars’ opposition to Pluto on November 3rd, which will begin to affect us from late October, will be equally crucial and intense. This powerful and charged aspect will bring intense emotions and challenges, both personal and collective, to light. It will highlight the conflict between inner desires and needs versus external pressures and demands, often beyond our control. This influence will ask us to face our worst fears and possibly threatening situations related to home, family, homeland, and personal security.

    This conjunction is expected to test our limits, endurance, and patience, bringing us face to face with passive-aggressive behavior, outbursts of anger, irrational decisions, and relationship breakdowns that will possibly influence both our physical and psychological health, aiming for personal transformation and liberation from old patterns.

    On a global level, this could be a time of intense conflicts between governments, organizations, nations, or groups of people seeking change or the protection of their rights and borders (Mars in Cancer), highlighting the need for action and transformation. It may also expose corruption and abuse of power, potentially leading to violence, terrorist attacks, and social uprisings that result in upheavals in social structures and classes, often in harsh and painful ways.

    The entire period of Mars’ retrograde motion will be notable, making it inadvisable for significant initiatives, surgical operations, or new beginnings.

    This period may bring obstacles, delays, and setbacks in launching projects due to external factors or internal conflicts and doubts, particularly concerning home, family, real estate, personal care, and security. However, it will be an ideal time to reevaluate our motives and goals concerning these issues, listen to our true needs, and address past family matters or childhood traumas to make peace with the past and resolve them.

    The simultaneous retrograde motion of Mars with Venus from March 1st to April 7th in Aries and Pisces and Mercury from March 15th to April 8th in Pisces will not allow us to avoid unresolved or karmic issues from the past. We will need to redefine our approach and work to close unfinished business.

    For the natal chart of Greece, Mars’ transit will form a T-square with natal Jupiter and Pluto in Cancer-Capricorn-Aries at 6° around September 15th, potentially indicating transformations in the fields of education, commerce, the judiciary, and international diplomatic relations. It may also bring to the forefront issues related to local businesses, communication media, transportation, and postal services.

    Meanwhile, Mars’ opposition to the country’s natal Neptune on January 29th and March 23rd could bring chaos, deception, and confusion in these areas, with fake news, potential secrets and scandals, that will shake the credibility of the media, our trust in the justice system, and even the state’s relations with allies.

    In the coming period, we have the opportunity to use this energy to better understand our emotions and insecurities, prioritize and defend our deepest needs, renew and enhance our relationship with what we consider home and family.

     Above all, Mars in Cancer invites us to honor our feelings, our sensitive sides, and our roots and recognize that from them springs our true and greatest strength.✨🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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