• New Moon in Virgo September 3 2024

    New Moon in Virgo September 3 2024

    New Moon in Virgo✨🌕♍

     September 3, 2024

    “Do I see… the big picture?”

    This archetype finds joy and meaning in being helpful, solving problems, making improvements, organizing, and sharing its expertise — often among the best — with a spirit of service.

     It embodies strong analytical skills, innate discernment, insight, and responsibility, allowing a focus on practical matters and details, sorting the wheat from the chaff, and knowing what to keep and what to discard.

    Virgo, the healer and priestess of the zodiac, symbolizes purity, clarity, integrity, humility, and dedication. It encourages us to find the sacred within the every day and to recognize that each day presents an opportunity to enhance and perfect our journey.

    This New Moon, occurring on September 3rd at 4:55 AM (Greek time) at 11°04′ Virgo, is the one that most brings us back to reality. It urges us to keep our feet firmly on the ground, make real changes, and realize true dreams from a grounded and realistic perspective.

    Beginning during the harvest season, when nature gathers and stores its fruits to sustain itself through the winter, this lunar cycle inspires us to do the same — to put our lives in order, reconnect with our purpose, take care of practical matters, and discern what serves us and what does not, making room for what truly matters.

    This is not a time for rushed or grandiose gestures and dramatic changes but for systematic and targeted steps that align us with our higher good and ensure our well-being. The energy encourages us to pay attention to small but meaningful changes that can make a big difference and have a lasting impact.

    There is usually so much to do under this New Moon that you may not know where to begin, leading to productive anxiety. Additionally, there is much that needs healing, especially if the Leo season left us with open wounds.

    However, Virgo’s energy, governed by Mercury, will provide the tools you need to set new goals and intentions in the house or area of your life that encompasses the 11th degree, prioritizing health, work, and daily life matters to ensure quality of life and existential peace.

    This energy directly affects you if you have personal planets or significant points in your horoscope around 9°-13° of the Mutable signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces.

    With the New Moon opposing retrograde Saturn in Pisces, you may find this period challenging or testing, depending on your experiences, age, life stage, and Saturn’s position and function in your natal chart. These factors will determine how you respond to the situation.

    In any case, you may feel increased fatigue, responsibilities, and demands under this Moon, requiring you to exercise patience and self-reflection to determine what is truly worth the effort.

    If you are dealing with the consequences of choices that may have negatively affected your physical or mental health, bringing cancellations, insecurities, or disappointments, this is the right time to set boundaries, eliminate what is necessary, and take a detox or break that you need.

    On the day before the New Moon, Uranus stations to go retrograde in the third decan of Taurus, bringing instability and shocks, with its station magnifying its influence during these days.

    This condition may cause significant personal, social, and political upheavals, intense weather phenomena, seismic activity, problems related to aviation, and major transformations in values and finances that challenge stability and personal security in the coming period, requiring patience and careful management.

    The square that Mercury — the ruler of the New Moon — makes from Leo, now moving direct, with Uranus marks the third and final occurrence (following those on July 22 and August 18). It provides new clarity and insights on how to move forward and what changes need to be made. However, it may bring unexpected developments in communications, the internet, and transport, as well as revelations and disruptive events involving public figures or the political scene.

    On a personal level, the Mercury-Uranus square shows us that the old ways are no longer effective. It is necessary to think outside the box, make revisions, and embrace the new, to achieve the improvements and healing we seek. Unexpected messages and ideas may arrive, changing plans and demanding different actions and alternatives. Protecting personal data, technological means, and networks, which may undergo crises, is essential, as is safeguarding our nervous system, which may be more vulnerable now.

    Despite these challenges, Mercury’s favorable trine with Chiron supports healing our thoughts to facilitate broader healing. From Leo, Mercury allows us to express ourselves with more confidence and self-assurance and find healing for wounds related to personal identity, self-esteem, and aspects of ourselves that we or others have not accepted.

    During this lunar cycle, you can speak openly about the issues that cause you pain in a way that empowers and heals you. You can resolve conflicts, confront past traumas, and improve your communication, especially if you are in the third decan, close to the 22nd degree of the Fire and Air signs. Discussions, professional counseling, and even therapeutic practices may now yield better results and provide relieving solutions.

    However, the square between Mars and Neptune at the critical 29° Gemini-Pisces suggests a particularly sensitive period for vitality and health matters. It requires protecting the immune system and guarding against potential risks from viruses, medications, substances, chemicals, water, and deceptions.

    With this energy, calling for acceptance, surrender, and withdrawal, it would be wise to avoid exhausting efforts and futile battles that could prove destructive, as Mars is simultaneously in a challenging quincunx with retrograde Pluto at the critical 29° Capricorn.

    Equally significant is the conjunction of Venus with the South Node in Libra, which it also rules, and simultaneously with Lilith and Juno affecting the first decan of all Cardinal signs. This alignment calls us to face unresolved issues and karmic matters from the past related to relationships, personal values, creativity, and finances, to heal or release them.

    This alignment may make you reconsider significant commitments and attachments or reconnect with people and partners from the past with whom you have a karmic connection, helping you decide whether to continue or close a chapter definitively.

    Lilith’s involvement, which connects with rejection, independence, suppressed sexual energy, and attraction to the forbidden, is expected to bring challenges and emphasize issues of dependency, control, or betrayal in relationships, highlighting dark emotions like jealousy, anger, fear of rejection, or the desire for revenge. It urges us to recognize the shadow aspects and destructive patterns in relationships and reprogram them.

    This energy will help many to settle their past, regain independence, self-respect, and self-esteem, and achieve purification. It will also encourage breaking away from compromises made to maintain peace by choosing to detach from bonds and attachments that did not honor them.

    On a collective level, humanity is called to heal old wounds and take a new direction toward true justice and harmony on a global scale. This is especially true now as the ineffectiveness of old strategies and diplomacy may become evident, and there is a sense that cycles of alliances and collaborations have come to an end.

    Within this framework, older alliances, diplomatic relationships, and even trade agreements based on outdated assumptions that are no longer sustainable or do not serve interests may come to an end. There may also be a renegotiation on issues of minorities, human rights, social justice, and the return and restoration of illegally acquired cultural heritage objects, as well as renewed efforts for ceasefires or finding peace solutions in international tensions and conflicts.

    The Sabian symbol for this New Moon is “A bride with her veil thrown back,” symbolizing a stage where we can reveal hidden aspects of ourselves and show others who we truly are, fostering deeper connections. How ready are we to do this, and how much will what is revealed meet our expectations, especially now that Saturn oversees the process?

    In Virgo’s stage, we prepare for the interactions that will occur in Libra, and during this Moon, there is a test of truth you cannot avoid. It may reveal things you did not expect, but these are necessary for a more authentic relationship with others and yourself.

    This New Moon in Virgo opens the portal to the upcoming Eclipses, peaking its energies at the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18th, which will be conjunct Neptune. It offers the opportunity to cultivate gratitude and mindfulness and commit to embracing what promotes our highest good, releasing what sabotages, weakens, and lowers our vibration.

    Seize the opportunity for healing and cleansing in this new lunar cycle, to illuminate patterns in your life that do not align with who you are. Cast aside veils confront deeply rooted beliefs, habits, and prejudices that hold you back, and make a fresh start.

    You can step forward with confidence into this new beginning, creating a life that reflects your deepest truth, knowing that real strength lies in the details and small decisions you are blessed to make every day.

    Wishing you a blessed new Moon and a wonderful new month !✨🌕🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓
    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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