• Energies of the Week  August 26 – September 1  2024

    Energies of the Week August 26 – September 1 2024

    Energies of the Week✨💫🌌

     August 26 – September 1, 2024

    This week brings a shift in the astrological landscape, promising a gradual restoration of communication, connection, and hope, thanks to Mercury moving direct in Leo and Venus entering Libra.

    These cosmic events will gradually allow us to move forward with plans that were previously on hold, helping us return to a more harmonious and balanced daily life. However, challenges persist, as the Jupiter-Saturn square continues to put obstacles to expansion, and Uranus’ station at the end of the week brings surprises.

    ✨💫On Monday, August 26th, the Moon reaches its Last Quarter 🌗at 3°38’ Gemini♊ stirring a desire for communication, movement, learning, and social interaction.

     This lunar phase, accompanied by a sense of urgency and productive anxiety, invites us to release mental and communicative burdens. It’s a time to reassess the information and ideas gathered throughout this cycle, seek solutions, and resolve differences with others. Mercury’s sextile with Mars and Jupiter, along with a trine to Chiron, supports reflection, self-criticism, and necessary adjustments, enabling you to clear the path for progress.

    ✨💫On Tuesday, August 27th, Venus forms a trine with Uranus at 27° Virgo-Taurus, offering pleasant and positive changes in love, finances, personal aesthetics, creativity, and collaborations—especially for those born in the last five days of the earth and water signs.

    This energy encourages stepping outside your comfort zone, experimenting, and embracing new ideas and technology. Surprises and unexpected events might break your routine, leading to personal revelations or encounters that can renew your outlook on security and love.

     Embrace this liberating and unpredictable flow of energy to renew old relationships, give second chances, and open new creative chapters. Now is the time to break free from societal norms, listen to your heart, and find innovative, practical solutions to past dilemmas.

    ✨💫On Wednesday, August 28th, Venus opposes Neptune at the critical 29° Virgo-Pisces, primarily affecting those in the final degrees of the Mutable signs.

     This energy reveals how an obsession with perfection, control of details, and excessive devotion to work—especially in relationships—can stifle magic and inhibit spontaneity, creativity, and deep connection.

    Neptune’s influence calls for higher ideals, dreams, inspiration, spirituality, and transformative experiences that bring meaning to our lives. However, there’s a risk of idealizing people and situations, leading to disappointment when reality doesn’t match your expectations, especially in relationships and finances. Given the critical degrees, this alignment suggests the need to discern truth from illusion, close old chapters, and make important decisions.

    Later that day, Mercury ends its retrograde and goes direct at 21° Leo, bringing clarity and resolution to matters that were stalled or delayed. This retrograde was a necessary pause to process information, reconnect with the past, and tie up loose ends. As communication, travel, and daily transactions return to normal, plans and ideas that were on hold can now move forward.

    With Mercury in Leo, the sign of the heart and courage, there’s a renewed focus on self-expression and creativity, offering opportunities to showcase your ideas and stand out with confidence and a new sense of direction.

    ✨💫On Thursday, August 29th, Venus returns to Libra,  until September 22nd. This is one of the most favorable placements for Venus, where she bestows gifts and blessings, particularly for the air and fire signs.

     This transit is ideal for reconnecting with personal charm, bringing more beauty and harmony into your life, and strengthening emotional bonds, alliances, and collaborations. Venus in Libra enhances the desire for balanced and harmonious relationships, supports resolving disputes with diplomacy, and improves both personal and professional connections. Those engaged in artistic and aesthetic pursuits can expect an upgrade and success, as appreciation for art, fashion, and beauty is heightened during this period.

    On the same day the trine between Venus and Pluto at 1° Libra-Aquarius, affecting the early degrees of the air and fire signs, promises a deep transformation in relationships, personal values, finances, and emotions.

     This celestial alignment offers a deeper understanding of your and others’ needs and desires, enabling you to recognize and heal relationship issues. Venus and Pluto urge you not to settle for anything less than the depth, passion, and honesty you seek in your connections. This influence may also bring a passionate or even karmic connection that profoundly impacts you. Additionally, there may be positive developments in your financial life, as this planetary synergy indicates financial success and empowerment through new strong partnerships, strategies, and investments that may now yield results.

    ✨💫On Sunday, September 1st, we welcome September with Uranus stationing retrograde at 27° Taurus, a retrograde that will last until January 30th.

    This intensifies Uranus’ influence, especially near the days of its station, bringing sudden and unpredictable changes that call for adaptation to new conditions, particularly for those in the final degrees of the Fixed signs—Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius.

    On a personal level, this can mean destabilization and upheaval in finances, security, and personal assets, alongside a strong urge to break old habits and free yourself from anything that restricts or holds you back.

    On a global scale, Uranus in retrograde promotes innovation and calls us to explore new ideas, though it may also bring turbulence and shifts in the economy, technology, and environment, leading to instability and uncertainty. There may also be revisions in agricultural and environmental policies, along with potential reactions to these changes, including social and political unrest stemming from long-standing oppression and injustice.

    The return of Pluto to the final degree of Capricorn on September 2nd, a sign associated with hierarchy, authority, and establishment, signals the closing of a significant transformation cycle that began in 2008. This marks a time for both personal and collective preparation to move into the new, allowing the old structures to collapse.

    The applying semi-square between Saturn and  Pluto, the first challenging aspect since their conjunction in January 2020 (coinciding with the pandemic), indicates a possible resurgence of challenges related to restrictions, control, and social pressures that we will need to navigate in the coming period.

    The Moon is now in its Balsamic phase, just before the New Moon in Virgo on September 3rd, which opens the eclipse portal. This is a time to rest, recharge, and shed what no longer serves us, creating space for new energies.

     The New Moon in Virgo will ask us to unlock our full potential, optimize every aspect of our lives, and embrace the art of self-care. It will remind us that tending to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being is essential for thriving and becoming the best version of ourselves. Now is the time to prioritize it!

    Wishing you a blessed week ahead!✨💫🕊☮

     With love💓💓💓

     Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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