Energies of the Week✨💫🌌

    August 19-25, 2024

    This week begins powerfully, under the influence of the intense, transformative, and unforgettable Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday, August 19th.

    One of the most intense lunations of the year, that finds us in a process of evolution and liberation from old patterns, challenging us to embrace change, accept the new, and turn the page in our life stories.

    The energies are unstable, unpredictable, and explosive, making this period unsuitable for forcing situations or resisting inevitable changes. The drama and chaos present now are here to propel us to the next level, whether we want it or not.

    If you’re reading this now, you’re probably already caught in the whirlwind of these energies, feeling emotionally sensitive and vulnerable as life presents you with more than one issue to resolve. While we may not have complete control, our heightened awareness allows us to choose how we respond, ultimately shaping the outcome.

    ✨🌌Amidst all this, Venus in Virgo is part of the discordant Jupiter-Saturn square and the T-square that forms on Monday, affecting mainly those born in the second decan of the Mutable signs. This alignment may diminish joy, comfort, pleasure, and emotional commitments. It’s a time when connecting with love, beauty, and harmony may be difficult, and expressing feelings or fulfilling desires may be out of reach. We find ourselves in a period of “diet”—whether emotional, spiritual, material or even physical—that, if we choose to follow, can detoxify us in many ways.

    At this crossroads, marked by Saturn’s heavy and mature signature, we are allowed to reassess our situation, take responsibility, and set better boundaries. This influence may reveal that our security, success, happiness, and balance are not where we thought they were, and now we must face the consequences of mistaken beliefs and expectations.

    As the asteroid Astraea,   associated with justice and Divine Judgment, aligns precisely with Venus, issues of ethics, justice, and personal integrity come to the forefront. As Astraea moves through  Virgo, these matters are under scrutiny, urging us to act more responsibly.

     We are called to confront anxiety, guilt complexes, and the consequences of choices that aren’t going as planned, both in personal life and in social and political realms, where the morals and sustainability of laws, institutions, ideologies, and systems are being tested like never before.

    It’s worth noting that Astraea was the last of the deities to abandon the world when things weren’t going well, signifying that our hopes for truth, morality, justice, and a better life won’t let us give up easily. They will keep us vigilant even in the face of a collapse.

    In this pivotal month of August, which reshuffles the deck, poses difficult questions, and asks us to reposition ourselves, only you, your soul, and your unique perspective illuminated by the Full Moon in Aquarius, know how to heal from the past and what you need to release to move forward to where you are meant to be.

    ✨🌌On Wednesday, August 21, just before moving into Virgo, the Sun forms a quincunx with Neptune at the critical 29° of Leo-Pisces. This celestial alignment can weaken those affected, leading  to illusions, misunderstandings, excessive idealism, procrastination, doubts, or idealizations that hinder goal achievement and meaningful connection.

    As sensitivities, imagination, and delusions make what you desire seem unattainable or unrealistic, and as there may be confusion about your own or others’ true nature, it’s important to find the balance between imagination and reality to avoid disappointments.

    Instead, you can use this energy for inner work, spiritual exploration, artistic pursuits, and acts of service that will bring satisfaction and greater growth.

    ✨🌌On Thursday, August 22, the Sun enters Virgo, joining Venus, and after a period of passion, inspiration, and creativity in Leo, it is time to prove what we can do, advance our goals, and tackle chaos and challenges with practical solutions.

    This period is ideal for organizing, setting priorities, and working harder for abundance and prosperity. It’s a time to choose detoxification on all levels, identify what needs improvement and purification, and find ways to be more useful and offer service. It’s also the right moment to discover how to be more productive and efficient and to adopt routines, habits, and practices that will enhance your life and work.

    Just be careful not to let Virgo’s tendencies—criticism, excessive focus on detail, and the pursuit of perfection—discourage you. Remember that while improvement is important, accepting imperfections is equally essential for personal growth.

    This energy will renew and empower the Earth signs—Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo—while indirectly benefiting the Water signs, which can find practical solutions to their issues and better organize their daily lives.

    On the same day, the Sun’s quincunx with Pluto at 0° Virgo-Aquarius brings a clash between practical needs, an attachment to duty, and a desire to control details with transformative and innovative forces.

    This condition may cause anxiety, obsessions, conflicts, and pressure to adapt to new situations that will disturb and test the limits and resilience of those affected. However, it will also be an opportunity to understand deeper needs and fears and seek solutions.

    Additionally, it may help you recognize the necessity of changes that are essential for growth, break free from habits, and make compromises where needed. It can also lead you to discover new methods and means of healing that will transform your health, work, relationships, and daily life.

    ✨🌌On Friday, August 23, the square between Venus and Mars at 23° Virgo-Gemini, affecting the third decan of Mutable signs, is expected to bring impatience, impulsive reactions, and conflicts due to difficulty expressing and understanding needs. However, the tension may also fuel passion and a desire to achieve goals, and in some cases, it can even ignite your romantic life.

    As Virgo’s need for order, organization, analysis, and service clashes with Gemini’s desire for variety and new experiences, this can cause tension and anxiety about relationship security, misunderstandings, and disappointments. Therefore, improving communication, understanding the different needs of others, and being flexible can provide solutions and enhance the creativity and productivity of individuals, making relationships healthier and more functional.

    On the same day, the trine of retrograde Mercury with Chiron at 23° Leo-Aries, favoring the third decan of Fire signs and, to a lesser extent, Air signs, brings healing messages and the opportunity for introspection, learning what you need, and having a conversation with a friend or therapist that helps you overcome old wounds and find comfort and solutions.

    This energy can catalyze a change and transformation in your thinking or that of others, elevate your consciousness, and allow you to use your communication and expressive talents.

    It’s an opportunity to share your personal story, which might inspire and illuminate others’ lives, and personally help you avoid repeating it, bringing it to resolution.

    ✨🌌On Saturday, August 24, the quincunx between Venus and Chiron at 23° Virgo-Aries might cause insecurity and uncertainty in personal relationships or finances, leading to a sense that things aren’t enough or don’t meet your real needs and desires.

    This influence calls for healing self-esteem and recognizing the imperfect nature of human relationships to overcome emotional barriers and regain lost harmony.

    On the same day, the sextiles formed by Mercury with Mars at 22° Leo-Gemini and Mars with Chiron at 23° Gemini-Aries, completing a small Talent Triangle, will support those born in the third decan of Air and Fire signs to overcome previous attachments, self-criticism, fear of rejection and failure, and doubts. You can now make decisions, act differently than in the past, and heal your personal wounds.

    Having learned the lessons and seen the root of the problem, you can now follow a new healing path with greater confidence and trust in yourself, your ideas, your worth, and without fear of fully expressing your truth and creative energy.

    If you harness the determination granted by this planetary synergy, focus on your goals, and implement your ideas, you will achieve them. By leveraging your persuasive, creative, and communication skills, social connections, and new information, you can overcome personal weaknesses and lead yourself to even greater growth.

    As the week unfolds under the influence of the Full Moon, which is the last before the eclipse season, whatever surfaces now is preparing us for the powerful transformative energies ahead.

    Therefore, it’s important to trust the flow of life, the divine plan, your higher self, and your soul’s purpose. Embrace the winds of change, recognize the opportunities within the chaos, and align with the new frequencies.

    These changes come at the right time to free you and guide you, after the storm, to a brighter path where things may be much better than you expected!

    May your week be filled with positivity and blessings! ✨💫🕊

    With love💓💓💓

     Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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