• Super Full Moon in Aquarius August 19 2024

    Super Full Moon in Aquarius August 19 2024

    Super Full Moon in Aquarius ✨🌕♒

    August 19th, 2024

    “Too many friends, too many people”

    This Full Moon, one of the most transformative of the year, always arrives during the vibrant Leo season to reveal profound cosmic truths, connect us to a greater vision, and contribute to our future by offering fresh perspectives and new possibilities.

     This revolutionary and futuristic Moon that loves change, freedom, progress, and collaboration, is here to help us see the bigger picture of life and our world, our role and place in the collective, and our relationship with groups, friends, new trends, and technology. This energy encourages us to step back, clear the clutter, and take the big Leap!

    The Super Full Moon in the humanitarian and progressive sign of Aquarius, peaking on August 19 at 21:26 Greek time at the critical 27°15’, directly impacting the late degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius), is the one that will awaken you, making you evaluate your path so far, shed what no longer serves you, and break free from molds, roles, and identities imposed by others.

    This Moon carries revolutionary and evolutionary energies that have been building for months, helping us change our lives in many ways and elevate our frequency. It allows us to see reality through new eyes, trust something new, and honor our authentic selves by doing what truly resonates, allows us to shine and move forward and simultaneously serve the greater good.

    Under this Full Moon, you may receive rewards or face consequences for actions and choices made during the New Moon in Aquarius last February. You may also witness long-awaited changes and make radical decisions.Probably because you’ve changed so much internally that you need to make the external changes to find new balances and align with who you are now.

    The closed T-square in Fixed signs formed by the Luminaries with Uranus, the modern ruler of this Full Moon, gives it an unpredictable and disruptive character. This pattern mirrors similar energies from the New Moon that began this cycle. We find ourselves teetering between the past and the future, foreshadowing significant disruptions in our personal and collective conditions and plans.

     These shifts may impact our health and psyche since Uranus, the planet of change and revolution, often brings sudden events that can shock us. Especially now, as Uranus aligns with the ominous fixed star Algol, intensifying tensions and destructive tendencies.

    On a collective level, the T-square with Uranus may cause problems and dysfunctions related to the internet, electronics, media, travel, aviation, and difficult news involving political leaders, prominent figures, the monarchy, entertainment venues, and young people. Social unrest, as well as severe meteorological, geological, and political events, could heighten insecurity and cause widespread disturbance.

    On a personal level, if you belong to the last five degrees of the Fixed signs, you may experience a shift in an area of your life due to unexpected events, requiring you to adapt to new conditions. In other cases, you may be the one seeking change, wanting to break free from patterns and comfort zones that no longer serve you, break old bonds, experiment with something new, and take a new direction.

    This energy can bring enthusiasm and inspiration, offering a fresh approach and perspective, helping you to reset and start anew—especially if you feel stuck in an area of your life that doesn’t allow you to evolve and move forward.

    In this process, Pallas Athena, the asteroid of strategy and wisdom, at 24° Scorpio, in disharmony with the above formation, turning it into a major cosmic Cross, reveals the difficulty in finding solutions and common ground with others, defending your needs, desires, and interests, and crafting the right strategy.

     This energy suggests that it may not be the best time to seek external validation and recognition from others or to make concrete plans, as nothing can guarantee a certain outcome. Where the plans of others clash with your goals, priorities, and needs, and where genuine communication is lacking, ruptures and dissolutions in significant commitments are possible.

    Simultaneously, as the Fixed Cross involves Vesta, the asteroid of devotion and investment, in exact conjunction with the Sun, it heightens insecurity and issues in relationships, values, and finances, challenging our foundations and possibly indicating an uprooting from homeland, homes, and significant commitments.

    Mercury in Leo, having formed a Kazimi with the Sun just before the Full Moon, brought exceptional ideas and perhaps a significant realization. However, due to its retrograde motion, we are cautioned against rushing into final decisions. Nevertheless, Mercury’s inferior conjunction with the Sun at the midpoint of its retrograde journey suggests that new seeds are being planted in our minds, which  will eventually lead to change.

    Especially with Mercury squaring Uranus for the second time since July, we might encounter inspirations, groundbreaking ideas, and a shift in perspective, prompting us to rethink our choices and plans and handle unresolved issues differently. Meanwhile it’s important to watch for mental overstimulation, anxiety, and tension in discussions, as well as unforeseen factors that will also be present.

    The square between Jupiter and Saturn at 17° Gemini-Pisces, their first since the conjunction in December 2020 and the most significant and critical aspect of the year, also plays a leading role in this Full Moon.

    This alignment may slow us down, bring karma, and return us to the past. It tests our beliefs, systems, and overall direction, asking for responsibility, more work, and maintenance to overcome obstacles and manifest what began during the conjunction.

    As this challenging planetary influence also involves Venus, forming a grand Cosmic Cross that tests all Mutables of the 2nd decan (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces), we may now see deficiencies in interpersonal relationships and finances, differences, and internal contradictions that hinder our growth, goal achievement, and the fulfillment of desires.

    If you are directly affected, this is a time when your optimism, desire for expansion, initiatives, an idea, or something you started building and investing in might encounter its first obstacles and not proceed as expected, as it clashes with reality and external or internal limitations, depending on the position of transiting Saturn in your chart.

    On a collective level, the Mutable T-square may bring obstacles in communication and transportation, possible problems related to water, the sea, oil, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and health, as well as legal entanglements, fanaticism, and ideological wars, requiring adjustments. Simultaneously, downturns and upheavals in the economy might disrupt plans, investments, and budgets.

     This energy puts a brake on whatever we are doing or planning, asking us now to put in more work and discipline ourselves. It asks us to recognize potential mistakes and make corrections and improvements, following the voice of intuition (Saturn in Pisces).

    Questions such as what is true and what is not, what we should do and what we should not, and what works and what does not, will continuously occupy our minds, leading to doubts, existential crises, and ethical dilemmas. We will need to address and examine these issues from multiple angles to choose the right path and move forward.

    With the Grand Cross in Mutable signs, it is important to remember that nothing remains static, fixed, or unchanging. Although we may face obstacles, conflicting interests, and divisive issues, these challenges could be fleeting and, in many instances, more theoretical than real. This mutable energy can shift direction unpredictably, overturning our expectations and serving as a catalyst for our transition into a new era with emerging trends.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon, “A tree felled and sawed,” suggests a kind of sacrifice on one level to benefit on another, provided we have the willingness and foresight to look ahead and prepare for the future now.

     Meanwhile, the Sabian symbol for the Sun, “Many little birds on the limb of a large tree,” symbolizes the stage where the individual is ready to leave behind securities and, perhaps, social and ideological structures, to become independent and soar to new horizons.

    The interaction with Uranus reveals the challenges we now face, trying to move forward, the potential rifts, upheavals, and losses that will arise and cost us.

    However, this energy reminds us that we have the power to change the world and our lives, as long as we are not afraid to sit in the uncomfortable unknown,where magic and freedom reside, embrace the new and have faith that the higher good will ultimately prevail.

    May this Full Moon be a source of blessing and guidance on your path to your highest good!✨🌕🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓
    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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