• 1st Jupiter-Saturn Square August 19 2024

    1st Jupiter-Saturn Square August 19 2024

    1st Jupiter-Saturn Square💫✨

     August 19, 2024

    Following the conjunction of Mars with Jupiter on August 14th at 16° Gemini, a new cycle of growth begins in a particular area of your life, making you feel confident, strong, optimistic, motivated, and ready to expand your horizons. You’re eager to push forward a project, seize opportunities, or invest in your future. However, Saturn steps in to temper your enthusiasm.

    Saturn demands that you redirect your path, assess potential mistakes and shortcomings, and take on burdens, obligations, unforeseen losses, following rules and regulations.This is a time for corrections, reevaluations, and possibly reconsidering the opportunities that have come your way.

    As the ruler of time, karma, and boundaries, Saturn forms a square with Mars (on August 16) and subsequently with Jupiter, while also opposing Venus on August 19. This astrological alignment requires you to work harder, prove yourself to others and yourself, and face the consequences of past choices and inadequacies. It’s a time to reassess and eliminate what no longer serves you, especially if you have personal planets or angles at 14°-19° in Mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces).

    Saturn, currently in Pisces—a sign traditionally ruled by Jupiter—tests not only your abilities and endurance but also your faith and conscience.

    How do you limit yourself?

    What fears hold you back from progressing and evolving?

     Where do you take on too much without a clear strategy, wasting time, energy, and resources on futile battles?

     Are the ideas, beliefs, and ideals you fight for truly worth it?

     Through its square with Jupiter and Mars, Saturn teaches you to conserve your strength, embrace humility, and confront the consequences of hubris where it exists.

    Even the way you handle conflicts is now under scrutiny. It’s essential to know when to stop, whether in words, actions, or decisions, as Mars in Gemini can be prone to overconfidence, impulsivity, and a reckless desire for expansion.

     This is a time to observe, reevaluate, and reconsider your thought patterns, the choices and opportunities presented, before committing to anything. Take responsibility, adjust your direction and strategy, and do what is right for you at the right time.

    It’s now crucial to know your limits and understand that you don’t always need to push situations or win at any cost. And while time, doubt, and criticism may feel like adversaries, patience with others and yourself, and faith in a positive outcome, even if delayed, will be your best allies.

    This Jupiter-Saturn square urges us to have realistic goals and expectations, reminding us of the consequences if we’ve exceeded limits or lost touch with reality. Tempering optimism, overexposure, overexertion, or overestimation of resources and power, is  now necessary, and could even be protective.

    The significant Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in December 2020 at 0° Aquarius initiated a new 20-year cycle and a 200-year era where these conjunctions will occur in Air signs, ushering in new dynamics and vitality to structures, institutions, laws, and systems that affect social, political, and even personal life.

    The upcoming square between Jupiter and Saturn on August 19 at 17° Gemini-Pisces—the first of three exact squares since that epic conjunction (the others on December 24 at 14° Gemini-Pisces and June 15, 2025, at 1° Cancer-Aries)—marks a period of crisis and testing for anything new that began to form in Aquarius, where Pluto is now transiting.

    Are we ready for this new Aquarian paradigm and a new society based on freedom, equality, autonomy, and solidarity?

    How open are we to social, political, legislative, educational, and humanitarian reforms, new systems, scientific discoveries, and further technological advancements?

    We are in a phase of transition and not yet fully prepared, and these Jupiter-Saturn squares highlight this, bringing consequences from our past choices and the opportunity for corrections and changes in our mindset and approach.

    The first square in August, with Jupiter, Saturn, and their rulers Mercury and Neptune all retrograde, and the second in December, also in Mutable signs with Jupiter retrograde, will undoubtedly test our principles, ethics, philosophy, conscience, ideals, and beliefs, illuminating truths.

    They will make us question what kind of progress we want, what is right and beneficial for our journey and evolution, and what is not.

    What people, systems, and institutions are suitable and beneficial for our development, and which are not, asking as to reassess and make better choices.

    Moreover, nothing is absolute or final when the energy is Mutable, and there is always room, even under these challenging aspects, to maneuver and overcome obstacles, finding more alternatives.

    Don’t let challenges and obstacles weaken your faith and determination, and do not compromise on your ideals and principles. Instead, use any obstacles to regroup your forces, find new alliances, information, and resources, and change plans and direction, moving forward with renewed hope.

    This hope is essential during a difficult week here in Greece, where we are confronted with the consequences of devastating wildfires and the immense pain and damage they have caused.

    As we navigate the challenges brought on by the T-square affecting the country’s natal Mutable Cross and the forthcoming Full Moon in alignment with the Fixed Cross—both of which are critical in the chart—we are confronted with feelings of despair and a sense of being trapped in an unyielding past.

    Despite these struggles, the future still holds promise andlLife’s resilience urges us to remain realistic, embrace necessary transformations, and prioritize our mental and spiritual well-being.

    Saturn in Pisces teaches us that by maintaining faith during these times of crisis and constraint, we pave the way for the renewal and growth that will come with the Jupiter-Saturn trine from September 2025 onward.

    May your path forward be filled with grace and blessings✨💫🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓
    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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