• Energies of the Week July 1-7 2024

    Energies of the Week July 1-7 2024

    Energies of the Week July 1-7, 2024 ✨🎇

    This week is filled with strong feminine and transcendent energies that allow us to be attuned to our emotions and flow, have insights, and access new levels of consciousness and creativity, planting the seed for something new.

    The first week of July in the month of Cancer, hosting Neptune’s Station, the magical New Moon in Cancer, and the activation of the Sirius Gateway, is here to provide guidance and help you go where your instincts and heart know you belong.

    ✨🎇On Monday, July 1 the semi-square of Jupiter with Chiron at 8° Gemini-Aries, an aspect of tension and challenge, is here to make you see how wounds and a lack of faith in yourself hinder the need for expansion and personal growth. This celestial alignment will test your consciousness and beliefs and how you express them to show you what needs to change and heal.

    Through seeking knowledge, exchanging information, and experiences, and engaging in honest conversations, you can find the help you need and illuminate deeper issues to start the healing process. This influence invites you to explore alternative methods of self-improvement and manage personal wounds with optimism, moving forward with new understanding and wisdom.

    ✨🎇On Tuesday, July 2 the semi-square of the Sun with Uranus at 10° Cancer-25° Taurus is another minor discordant aspect that can bring tension, nervousness, and anxiety, possibly leading to disruptive events. This influence asks you to reassess your goals and approach issues related to family, finances, and a sense of security differently.

    While surprising revelations may occur, you might discover a new facet of yourself, leading to greater self-awareness. Recognizing what isn’t working, adapting to new circumstances, and pursuing changes will help you make the most of the dynamic of this aspect and seize possible opportunities.

    On the same day, the T-square of the Sun at 11° Cancer with the Lunar Nodes in Aries-Libra, mainly affecting those in the early part of the second decan of Cardinal signs, might show you that you are on the wrong path and the way you have been expressing yourself, what you emotionally rely on, and the desire for security do not align with the path of destiny.

    This condition can bring crises and tensions in relationships with family and close ones, and emotional difficulties that may be reactivated and lead to developments in the upcoming eclipses (October 2, 2024, and March 29, 2025). It calls for you to reconsider and make a heroic exit from safety zones or co-dependent relationships that hinder personal growth and evolution. This is a pivotal moment to see how you can care for your emotional needs while advancing your goals and aspirations, ultimately heading to where you are meant to be.

    Meanwhilethe waning Moon in Taurus for two days can be emotionally challenging, especially when it encounters Mars and Uranus. However, the harmonious alignments on July 2 with Saturn and Neptune will provide opportunities to address potential problems, creatively channel energy, decompress, and prepare for the next lunar cycle during the balsamic phase in Gemini.

    This day is particularly significant as it also hosts Neptune’s Station Retrograde at 29°56 Pisces, which will last until December 7, inaugurating a period of awakening and revelations for the personal and collective unconscious, expected to remove illusions and show the truth.

    This influence has the power to lift the blinders and reveal the larger picture, allowing you to see where you stand in your spiritual journey and what has evolved from all your dreams since 2011 when Neptune entered Pisces.

    However, the days close to the planet’s Station carry the most ambiguity, uncertainty, and instability, potentially bringing despair from mistakes and losses, especially when this happens at the last critical degree of the zodiac, which is karmic and extremely crucial.

    As   Mercury, forms a trine with transcendent Neptune before leaving Cancer and receiving its blessings, we can now utilize enhanced intuition and imagination and dive into the collective unconscious and our dreams, bringing back gems. Additionally, we can connect with our Source, higher dimensions, and the higher divine self to receive the inspiration and angelic guidance we need now.

    Later on, Mercury enters the generous and radiant Leo, remaining until July 25, and after entering Virgo will return retrograde in the third decan of the Leo on August 15, completing its journey on September 8. This influence will usher us into a new fever of creativity and bring greater extroversion, sociability, and the tendency to listen and speak from the heart, expressing ideas and desires with boldness, determination, and passion.

    If you belong to a Fire or Air sign, this can be a potent period for learning, communicating, and traveling, providing also new initiatives and the ability to present, speak, and share your talents with greater confidence. Particularly if your profession involves entertainment, leisure, and public exposure you may also now thrive.

    ✨🎇On Wednesday, July 3 Mercury will confront Pluto, forming an opposition at 1° Leo-Aquarius, directly affecting the early degrees of Fixed signs. This aspect may cause obsessions, fears, dark thoughts, fanaticism, harsh arguments, and a Machiavellian way of thinking and expression, potentially leading to power struggles and dominance. This influence poses risks for communication, public exposure, and young people, children, and small animals. While truths, secrets, and revelations for people in the public eye are now possible.

    Personally, if it affects you, it will allow you to investigate something deeply, persuade with the power of your words, and transform your thinking and ideas, accessing a deeper truth.

    On the same day, the favorable trine of Venus with retrograde Saturn at 19° Cancer-Pisces, benefiting the beginning of the third decan of Water and Earth signs, fosters commitments, serious emotional and financial decisions, and investments with long-term prospects.

    This alignment allows you to reconsider solid foundations for your relationships and collaborations and make mature and settled decisions for your personal, professional, and social life. This is the right time to give a second chance to contracts, partnerships, significant purchases, savings, and investments, formalize relationships, and pursue ventures that can yield long-term benefits.

    ✨🎇On Friday, July 5 the sextile of Mars with retrograde Saturn at 20° Taurus-Pisces, in a degree foreseeing sudden changes according to the Sabian symbols, calls for alertness. This alignment encourages you to achieve your goal not only through patience and persistence inherent in Taurus but also through flexibility and adaptability to new circumstances, seizing opportunities that arise.

    This influence will ultimately encourage you to reconsider priorities, better organize your time, energy, and resources, and have better control over your life.

    ✨🎇On Saturday, July 6 the New Moon 🌙 at 14° Cancer♋ aligned with the Spiritual Sun, Sirius 🎇opens a magical and unique portal, bringing a new wave of awakening, possibilities, and enlightenment.

    This Moon, occurring between two Full Moons in Capricorn, signifies the emergence of the feminine principle and the Soul, possessing significant healing and fertile power. It offers the opportunity to come to your sacred center and connect with your true needs and desires, what you consider precious and necessary. This emotional reset allows us to plant the seed for something new to be born in an area of our lives.

    ✨🎇On Sunday, July 7 the square of Venus with Chiron at 23° Cancer-Aries, affecting the third decan of Cardinal signs, can challenge personal relationships, emotions, or finances, awakening old wounds and insecurities. It may also reveal unmet desires and potential shortcomings, working alongside the semi-square of Venus-Jupiter occurring the following day, July 7.

    To overcome the conflict between the need for security and devotion in relationships and the desire for independence, expansion, and new experiences, the key is to enhance self-esteem and engage in honest and open communication, strengthening relationships and finding sought-after harmony.

    As our consciousness and energetic frequency rise this week, and the feminine principle in the celestial realm culminates, this is the moment to align with the path of our Soul and recognize the role we are here to play in restoring eudaimonia both for ourselves and our world.

    Wishing you a blessed week and a blessed Μonth to all!✨🎇🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓

     Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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