• Energies of the Week June 24-30 2024 Saturn Retrogrades in Pisces

    Energies of the Week June 24-30 2024 Saturn Retrogrades in Pisces

     ENERGIES OF THE WEEK JUNE 24-30 2024 ✨💫


    As we have officially entered the second half of the calendar year following the Summer Solstice, and after two demanding weeks and the energies of the Full Moon in Capricorn settling down, the last week of the month, brings more harmony, certainty, tranquility, and ideas. Planetary synergies that allow us to advance collaborations, creative projects, and matters of the heart, and to reflect on how, with whom, and where we want to move forward.

    Meanwhile, the main astrological event of the week is Saturn’s retrograde, which will bring realizations,  clarity, and the time to reassess all important matters and reorganize over the next few months.

    ✨💫On Monday, June 24, there may be no major planetary aspects, but with the Moon in Aquarius for two more days in its waning phase, new ideas arise and a desire for change. This is a moment that makes you want to break away from habits and anything that restricts your freedom and independence and to spend time with friends, networks, and groups where you feel you belong and can express yourself freely.

    However, as the Moon initially conjoins Pluto, emotional intensity and crises will be unavoidable for some, creating a potentially volatile atmosphere for women and our mental peace.

    So, if you avoid the tendency for control and manipulation that may now surface, this transit will allow you to explore deeper emotions and offer opportunities for inner growth and healing.

    ✨💫On Wednesday, June 26, Venus squares the Lunar Nodes from 11° Cancer to Aries and Libra, calling you to reconcile the desire for emotional security with the need for personal growth and not let past experiences dictate your present and future choices. This may sound bold for a Venus in Cancer, especially when choosing between the old and the new, but this alignment, affecting Cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn near 9°-13°, can push you into uncharted waters and test relationships, collaborations, values, and finances, bringing separations or losses, to help you become independent and move away from comfort zones that no longer meet your true needs.

    The process won’t be easy as you might face opposition from family, friends, partners, or colleagues who stand in the way of your growth, possibly creating feelings of guilt. The key, however, with this transit, is to understand that you need both relationships that nurture you and a strong, independent sense of self that your loved ones can recognize and accept. This will help you set better boundaries, break away from vicious karmic cycles, and attract what you truly fulfills you.

    On the same day, the harmonious trine between Mercury in intuitive and emotional Cancer and Saturn in the dreamlike and intuitive realm of Pisces at 19° provides mental clarity and structured communication, enabling us to express emotions clearly, have deep and constructive conversations, and strengthen emotional bonds.

     This planetary synergy, which blends Mercury’s intuition in Cancer with Saturn’s practical wisdom, will give you the mental discipline to handle demanding projects, study or teach subjects with a logical and intuitive approach, and bring inspiration, emotion, and realism to any creative or artistic endeavor, especially if you are directly affected and belong to 17°-22° of water and earth signs.

    Use this transit to make serious decisions, finalize important agreements and contracts, and successfully promote your plans. Also, seek guidance from experts and invest in spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, creative visualization, and writing, which can be most beneficial now.

    ✨💫On Friday, June 28, Mercury squares Chiron at 23° Cancer-Aries, affecting all Cardinal signs near 20°-25°, potentially bringing unpleasant memories and uncomfortable conversations that awaken old wounds, as well as thoughts and words that hurt. However, there is an opportunity here to confront and heal long-standing wounds and deeply rooted issues.

     While there may be a conflict between your need to communicate with sensitivity and emotion and the need to assert your wants and needs more forcefully, being honest, maintaining boundaries, and showing empathy to avoid hurting others and yourself is essential.

    Additionally, guidance from specialists and support from loved ones, friends, and family in cases of intense stress could be significant help and get you out of many deadlocks.

    ✨💫On Saturday, June 29, the Last Quarter Moon 🌗at 7°40′ Aries ♈ in a planetary setting lacking the fire element, will give us the energy, courage, and determination needed these days to evaluate what we have achieved so far during this lunar cycle and what still needs to be changed, completed, and released.

    Amidst everything here, there could be the impetus and inspiration to begin planning the next steps, with Jupiter forming a sextile with the Moon, adding optimism, excitement, and new ideas, bringing us the mood for social contacts, getaways, and adventure.

    On the same day, the sextile of Venus with Mars at 14° Cancer-Taurus, which mainly benefits the second ten days of water and earth signs, is expected to promote harmony and enhance romantic feelings, fertility, creativity, and personal well-being. This alignment offers the opportunity to strengthen relationships, express love and support, and operate in them with a sense of trust and security.

    Meanwhile, the favorable alignment of these two planets with Saturn and Juno ensures stability and long-lasting relationships and collaborations, helping many to lay solid foundations for the future and to take the next significant step.

    This is an ideal moment to promote long-term goals practically and decisively, make successful emotional and financial investments (marriages, engagements, contracts) that will have stable and lasting results, and enjoy the fruits of creative and artistic endeavors.

    Saturn retrogades in Pisces

    This day carries a special weight as it also hosts Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces ♓, which will last until November 15, with the planet retracing this time through 19°-12°degrees of the sign.

    What are the lessons you have learned so far from the great teacher Saturn in the sign of dreams, sacrifice spirituality, altruism, and the sea of emotions?

    This is Saturn’s second retrograde in the sign after the one on June 7, 2023, and the planet of karma, time, and structure in an area-house of your life will show you what you have been avoiding the responsibilities, and the consequences of your choices. It will make you see your limitations, the boundaries, and the rules you set, to evaluate obligations, commitments, efforts, and how you managed time, energy, and resources to identify mistakes and make necessary corrections.

    The upcoming period may not be the right time to make significant decisions and may involve delays. However, as Saturn retrogrades through the degrees where it was direct in the previous months (since March) and will pass through them again for the third and final time after it turns direct, it will allow you to review and make adjustments to your path.

    A transit that concerns Capricorn and Aquarius signs, traditionally ruled by Saturn, influencing the houses of the chart they occupy, and of course, the entire Mutable Cross of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces at the above degrees, which are directly influenced.

    And this time it may be more crucial as the despositor Neptune is in the anaretic critical degree and slow, as he’s also preparing for retrograde.

    On a global level, the transit may reserve crises and upheavals for religious leaders, as well as tests and reflection on events related to water pollution, maritime accidents, weather phenomena,shipwrecks and water related accidents, maritime borders, shipping, maritime law, chemicals, drugs, institutions, detention facilities, and mental health, prompting us to seek responsibilities, explanations, and treatment amidst chaos, as with retrograde Saturn, safety nets in many cases may dissolve.

    ✨💫On Sunday June 30, the sextile of Mercury with its higher octave Uranus at 25° Cancer-Taurus is an awakening aspect that will give us a new perspective and bring original and sudden ideas to solve practical and emotional issues, as well as the opportunity to interact differently.

    When Mercury’s sensitivity and intuitive communication in Cancer combine with Uranus’ revolution and innovation, you can break free from old emotional structures and attachments and adopt a healthier and more authentic way of thinking, expressing, and communicating.

    An energy you can harness to speak openly about your feelings, adapt to emerging changes, and positively respond to new proposals and surprises.

    Therefore, pay attention to the messages that are arriving now, as there is a higher cosmic guidance and maybe the answers you need!

    Wishing you a blessed and creative week ahead!✨☮🕊🌻

    With love💓💓💓

     Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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