• Full Moon in Capricorn June 22 2024

    Full Moon in Capricorn June 22 2024


    “Only Time”

    Under this moon, significant realizations and reevaluations can occur.

     A Full Moon in Capricorn, the domain of Saturn, will prompt you to reflect on your maturity and your current position in life’s journey, urging you to take responsibility for how you wish to move forward.

    This Full Moon holds immense power and influence, occurring just one day after the Summer Solstice. This timing creates a potent portal, activating the World Axis at the early degrees of the Cardinal signs, opening new paths, and potentially heralding significant worldly events.

    This particular Full Moon is unique and pivotal, connecting with the upcoming Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, which will occur at the final degree of the sign. This synchronicity highlights issues that will develop and yield results over the coming month. It indicates that many things will unfold and be released in the house of your chart that hosts Capricorn, where Pluto has been journeying since 2008 and is nearing the end of its transit.

    The Full Moon on June 22, at 4:07 AM in Greece, will occur at 1°07′ Capricorn, directly influencing the early degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) and the late degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces).

    This moon brings a realistic perspective to evaluate your progress in a particular area of life and examine your social roles, long-term goals, ambitions, and societal programming. It invites you to reflect on your achievements and possible failures, not necessarily due to a lack of effort but perhaps because they were not meant for you.

    This is a moment to celebrate accomplishments and the realization of goals that may have been set during the New Moon in Capricorn six months ago. Alternatively, it’s a time to recognize mistakes, omissions, and the cost of overworking and focus on your professional and social life, which may have hindered personal growth and deprived you of dedicating time to your love life and family.

    Regardless of the situation, this is a time for mature decisions, to take full responsibility, and to release commitments that have run their course. It’s an opportunity to see where to invest your time, resources, and energy, set priorities, close accounts with the past, and better organize your life based on what is beneficial, feasible, and true for you.

    This period may also bring consequences and lessons, testing the structures of your life, relationships, career, goals, and dreams, prompting necessary adjustments. Here, you are called to become the master of your life and destiny, to observe your strengths and weaknesses, set boundaries, and, if doubt, pessimism, or a lack of confidence and faith arise, to dispel self-limitations and fears to move forward.

    Reward yourself for past efforts regardless of the outcome, forgive mistakes, and express gratitude for getting this far.

    Expect revelations and perhaps trials involving older individuals, authorities in your life, father figures, supervisors, and superiors who may oppose you and require special handling. On a collective level, figures in power and hierarchy, state leaders, and institutions may come to an end, face crises, or undergo changes.

    The discordant quincunx of the Sun with Pluto at 1° Cancer-Aquarius confirms crises related to the above and highlights the need for purification, sacrifice, and release to move forward, possibly involving attachments, authorities in your life, and your past.

    With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer opposing the Full Moon, it is essential to find a balance between personal and professional life, the need to be in familiar environments that provide emotional security and support, and be productive and consistent in your social roles and career.

    Mercury and Venus, positioned out of bounds North, suggest that deviating from the usual may be necessary. Think, feel, and choose differently, trying new approaches in communication, relationships, and financial management to open new paths of development.

    Similarly, the Moon in declination South and from a place of weakness, calls us to handle issues related to family, the past, karma, and psychological wounds that may intensify now, possibly leading to isolation tendencies.

    However, the sextiles of Mercury and Venus from the first decan of Cancer with Mars in Taurus open channels of communication and promise creativity, inspired action, good cooperation, and harmony in relationships. This allows us to communicate our needs and manage challenges effectively.

    Moreover, the converging squares of Mercury with the Nodes, in degrees described by the Sabian symbols as indicating a desire for change in the established order, signify that to change your future and align with your purpose, you need to change perceptions and revise plans, even if this puts you at odds with friends, family, or the groups you belong to.

    Additionally, with the luminaries forming a T-square with Neptune, disillusionment, confusion, and disappointment may arise. Neptune’s influence suggests that things might not be as you believed, outcomes may be beyond your control, and the stories you told yourself might be far from the truth.

    Lilith’s involvement in this process, from the final critical 29° degrees in Virgo, ultimately transforming the formation into a Grand Cross, signifies the complete collapse of illusions. This transformative event will lead many to break free from situations of victimization that cause them to undervalue their worth and personal abilities and escape the confines of routine and the constraints of a system that viewed them merely as components of a machine. This awakening empowers individuals to recognize their true potential and embrace their spiritual journey with renewed vigor and purpose.

    With Neptune at the critical 29° Pisces, we may individually and collectively witness loss, deception, betrayal, and sacrifice, leaving us feeling powerless and uncertain about the future. This karmic degree makes us see the consequences of wrong choices, misplaced trust, allowed toxicity, sustained fantasies, and misleading information.

    However the transcendent Neptune encourages us from here to connect with all that holds timeless and unchanging value: love, compassion, service to others, our dreams, our ideals, and our faith in the higher divine plan. This connection invites us to embrace and nurture the spiritual aspects of our lives, fostering a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment.

    While Saturn in Pisces acts as a protective cushion and an ideal companion for Neptune at the end of its journey, helping us dissolve illusions, cultivate spiritual discipline, pursue what is achievable and real, and anchor ourselves to navigate the Piscean ocean without getting lost.

    Saturn, without any Ptolemaic aspects and moving slowly into retrograde during this Full Moon, might bring delays, obstacles, a desire for isolation, harsh self-criticism, emotional disconnection, and karmic lessons. Although, from this position, Saturn might also establish new rules and laws collectively, allowing us to observe life from a new level of maturity, reliability, and responsibility, set boundaries, and discern where to invest our efforts.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 2° Capricorn, “Three stained-glass windows in a Gothic church, one damaged by war,” signifies that despite external attacks, violence, wars, and adversities, we avoid total destruction. Despite losses and sacrifices, parts of us remain untouched and protected, likely due to the power of our faith.

    The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 2° Cancer, “A man suspended over a vast level place,” confirms that we can operate from a new level of observation and understanding, distancing ourselves from reality and perhaps seeing it in its true dimensions.

    This Full Moon suggests that despite trials, lessons, and adversities, there are available resources and time to overcome dead ends, devise plans, and lay the foundations for the future.

     There is determination, realism, structure, and the ability to deconstruct and rebuild what we have created personally, socially, and politically, viewing things from a different perspective and moving towards something better.

    Wishing everyone a blessed Full Moon!✨🌕🕊☮

    With love 💓💓💓

     Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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