• Energies of the Week June 17-23 2024 Summer Solstice

    Energies of the Week June 17-23 2024 Summer Solstice



    This is a significant week that brings a major shift in energy and marks the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere with the Summer Solstice. Emotions will dominate and guide us, influenced by the alignments of Venus, Mercury, and the Sun with Neptune, followed by their entry into the emotional sign of Cancer and the Full Moon in Capricorn.

    ✨💫On Monday June 17, Venus squares Neptune at the critical 29° Gemini-Pisces, arriving just as we seek to escape the difficulties and harshness of the previous week. We need rest and recuperation, which we can achieve through creativity, dreams, imagination, and altruism. This transcendent aspect brings sensitivity, romance, magic, mysticism, especially to those in the final degrees of Mutable signs (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces), but also confusion and emotional turmoil.

     So focus on your talents, creativity, empathy, and altruism, while being cautious about who you trust and what you invest in for the next two days. As the negative side of this aspect can be misleading, and something you initially believed in and idealized may prove to be an illusion, disappointing your expectations. For this reason avoid making significant romantic commitments, transactions, investments, purchases, or aesthetic changes, and steer clear of addictions and substance consumption, which could have undesirable outcomes.

    The square between Mercury and Neptune in the same degree adds difficulties in concentration and comprehension, making it even harder to distinguish truth from lies, leading to lack of clarity, illusions, misjudgments, and mental confusion. So, be wary of fake news and conspiracy theories that could mislead you.

    Venus and Mercury Enter Cancer

    On the same day, Venus and Mercury move into Cancer ♋, shifting our focus, needs, desires, love language, and thinking. With Venus in Cancer until July 11 and Mercury until July 2, it’s time to enhance emotional intelligence, romance, and intuition, and choose safe environments that allow for giving and receiving affection, care, and love, feeling familiar and comfortable.

    This is a moment to return to yourself, and what you consider home and family, engage in your inner and personal life, and focus on what provides you with a sense of security, protection and nurture.Spend more time with loved ones, revive memories, and create new ones. Speak from the heart, and let your heart warm and strengthen personal relationships. Understand better your desires and needs and those of others, keeping an open embrace for all.

    ✨💫On Tuesday, June 18 Mercury and Venus in a quincunx with Pluto at 1° Cancer-Aquarius may cause crises and pressures in relationships, romantic or familial, and precarious situations for women, young people, and children. This influence may heighten fears, worries, personal insecurities, and bring to the surface manipulative or abusive behaviors, harsh words, violence, even domestic, possessiveness, and obsessions. Make necessary adjustments and take precautionary measures.

    If you are directly affected by having planets and points near these degrees, avoid negative thoughts, confrontations, manipulative, violent, and toxic individuals to prevent dead-end situations and fatal consequences.

    ✨💫On Thursday, June 20 the square between the Sun and Neptune at 29° Gemini-Pisces, functional for two more days, might find us daydreaming and, in some cases, feeling tired, lost, and disoriented. You may not understand the motives or causes of everything you experience and might lack faith in yourself or a purpose.

    However, doubt and questioning often signify internal or external evolution, leading to deeper truths. The best stance here is to trust the higher plan for you and accept that you don’t always need to know or have all the answers. Use the Neptunian dynamic to rest and connect with your more creative, artistic, and spiritual sides, allowing for a healthy escape and transcendence.

    Summer Solstice🔆

    June 20 hosts a significant moment in our journey around the Sun: the Summer Solstice for the Northern Hemisphere. Whether you’re in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, celebrate the day when the light shifts, and the baton alternates between the masculine Yang and feminine Yin energies.

    This day is a powerful opportunity to connect and harness nature’s healing power, find more harmony, inner unity, and turn the switch in your life, setting new intentions and goals for the second half of the year. The entry of the Sun at 0° Cancer, forming a square with the starting point at 0° Aries, marks a decision point offering great freedom of will to assess your position and determine your path forward.

    The chart of the Summer Solstice, which provides insights for the next three months, describes a spiritually potent period. Amid the confusion, anxiety, ambiguity, and uncertainty brought by the squares of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus with Neptune in the final degrees of Pisces, we are called to find deeper levels  of  connection, strengthening our faith and anchoring ourselves in something greater.

    The chart’s ruler, the Moon in Sagittarius, squaring Saturn in Pisces, indicates that we need more than just the inquisition of knowledge  to overcome any lack or suppression and expand our horizons. We must engage in tangible work for our visions and find ways to implement them practically, both individually and collectively, for example, by actively contributing to areas of social care, health, and welfare where the greatest needs exist.

    The Moon’s dispositor, Jupiter in Gemini, suggests that information and communication will often be the key. While the trines of Jupiter with Pluto and Uranus indicate that communities, new technology, powerful alliances, and the strength of faith will move mountains.

    Amidst all this, the sense of belonging, your roots, your foundation, home, family, and homeland thar honor your emotional world and meet your deepest needs, with the stellium in Cancer, will be the primary focus for the next three months.

    ✨💫On Friday, June 21 the sextile between Mercury and Mars at 9° Cancer-Taurus is a fertile and productive alignment that creates the best conditions for communication and enjoying time with friends, family, and loved ones, sharing feelings and memories. This influence also promotes physical energy and good argumentation, giving you also the determination, initiative, and sense of purpose to manifest whatever you set your mind to, with consent from the heart.

     ✨💫On Saturday, June 22 the powerful Full Moon 🌕 at 1° Capricorn ♑ will remind you that you have grown and you need to take responsibility. It may bring recognition for your plans, goals, and efforts, but also reveal your shortcomings and failures, urging you to set new priorities in your personal and professional life, find the balance and release what no longer works.

    From this week onwards, under the dominant energies of Cancer, you can gradually let go of the noise of the external world, endless thinking, and the multiple truths that existed in Gemini’s month. By returning to yourself, listening to your inner truth, giving you back what you truly need.

    Wishing you  a blessed week and a wonderful summer to all!✨🔆☮

    With love💓💓💓

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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