• Energies of the Week June 10-16 2024

    Energies of the Week June 10-16 2024

    ENERGIES OF THE WEEK JUNE 10-16, 2024✨💫

    This can be a demanding week that may place obstacles in our path and cause some distress. Mainly because, the squares between Saturn, the Sun, and Venus over the weekend find us feeling restricted or trapped in commitments, responsibilities, or tasks we must do rather than want. Simultaneously the upcoming Mercury-Saturn square calls for us to draw boundaries and reassess our beliefs and perceptions to improve our conditions, while the impending Mars-Pluto square may cause disturbances and exert particular pressure on some of us.

    Despite all these, there are huge opportunities for self-discovery, growth, and healing that will allow us to see and manage our issues differently.

    ✨💫 As the favorable alignment of Venus with Chiron, forming a sextile at 22° degrees Gemini-Aries on Tuesday, June 11, empowers us to heal our self-worth, self-esteem, and creativity through supportive relationships and our own capacity to nurture and fully embrace ourselves.

    ✨💫On Monday, June 10, we are in a different mood and energy as Mars, the planet of action and desire, has just  moved into the earthy and stable sign of Taurus, where it will remain until July 20. This is a weak position for Mars as it must abandon the weapons it wielded in fiery Aries and operate in a peaceful environment ruled by Venus, making it slower, less impulsive, and more conservative.

    However, this transit brings us a sense of grounding for the upcoming period, more persistence, and patience to devote ourselves to projects and goals that we may have set while Mars was in Aries (since April 30), allowing us to start building towards them and ensuring lasting results.

    This influence is likely to gradually mobilize the entire Fixed Cross—Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius—and can be constructively utilized by the earth and water signs, helping us work responsibly and progress slowly and steadily towards our objectives.

    While it allows us to slow down and tend to our personal needs and physical well-being, satisfy our senses, and reassess our foundations, stability, finances, and life values to purify them. As long as we avoid possessiveness, stubborn behavior, and sometimes laziness and passivity that can negatively affect our progress and keep us stagnant.

    ✨💫On Tuesday, June 10, the Mars-Pluto square at 1°Taurus-Aquarius, which reaches its peak, is a harsh aspect that has been threatening our peace the last few days and intensifies confrontations.

     This energy is responsible for tensions, anger, and heightened libido, potentially bringing us face-to-face with hardships, difficult people, and situations that provoke us, seek to manipulate us, and push their own agenda, or undermine possessions and financial resources.

    This aspect can also serve as a starting point for us to reassess and transform, both individually and collectively, the management of finances and natural resources, as well as our interaction with technology, communities, and social networks that are ruled by Aquarius.

    A cosmic influence that, among other things, comes like a bolt from the blue to reignite war fronts, potentially bring violent and dramatic events both personally and collectively, or even trigger intense geophysical phenomena, as denoted by the degrees of Mars/Pluto in the Sabian symbols with the symbolism of a “storm.”

    This is a reason to be cautious during these days, especially if you belong to the early degrees of the Fixed signs, about your actions and reactions, avoiding conflicts and confrontations that can end very badly. So, stay away from dark and toxic energy but also utilize the immense potential of this aspect to accomplish something challenging, an ambitious professional project, or a major aspiration, keeping in mind that exhaustion, risks, accidents, and disastrous consequences from missteps are lurking.

    ✨💫On Wednesday, June 12, we are called to examine and consider something more seriously as Mercury forms a square with Saturn at 19° Gemini-Pisces. Under this influence, which can bring harsh criticism, misunderstandings, delays, and postponements in communication, short distance travel and plans, you are called to pay greater attention to what you hear, say, and learn and to ascertain the appropriate next steps. A time to say some no’s and also see your insecurities, weaknesses, and especially beliefs that make you doubt and question your ideas, abilities, and choices, hindering your expression and keeping you away from personal growth and fulfillment.

    And although you may simultaneously receive criticism from somewhere, this is the moment to pay attention mainly to your own self-criticism, which under this aspect can be particularly harsh and undermine your actions and decisions.

    The greatest pitfalls of this aspect are our fears and seeing the glass as half empty, as well as harsh self-criticism, and feeling disconnected from others or wanting to isolate because we can’t find common place.

    In contrast, the gifts are recognizing the contradictions and reassessing what we believed before drawing conclusions and making decisions, while additionally, doing introspection, focusing on details, and planning to overcome dead-ends and achieve goals.

    Therefore, give credit until you have all the data, and if possible, postpone important contacts, agreements, or signing contracts that may have better luck two days later when Mercury forms a Kazimi conjunction with the Sun, receiving all the blessings in its protective lap.

    ✨💫On Thursday, June 13, the sextile between the Sun and Chiron at 22° Gemini-Aries, as well as the Mercury-Chiron sextile occurring at the same degree the following day, will provide a new level of consciousness and a new perspective on healing for those belonging to the early third decan of the air and fire signs.

     This alignment offers the ability to understand and reprogram thought patterns develop skills, give or receive support, guidance, new knowledge, and wisdom that will help you heal all kinds of emotional, psychological, or even financial wounds. It’s a wonderful time for healing through speech, personal expression, writing, psychoanalysis, counseling, and even constructive interaction with younger individuals, children, or pets, which can prove equally beneficial for both parties.

    ✨💫As for the Kazimi – conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 24° Gemini on Friday, June 14, it is enough on its own to relieve you from previous distress, create favorable conditions to enhance communication skills and give you the clarity to make the best possible decisions.

     A golden opportunity also to smooth out and improve relationships with siblings and your immediate environment, to restore any misunderstandings or delays that may have occurred, and to utilize new knowledge and support in an area of life to achieve goals related to education, commerce, media, publishing, short trips, transportation, and the local community.

    On the same day, the First Quarter Moon 🌓at 23°.39΄ Virgo ♍ can momentarily amplify the voice of doubts, internal or external criticism, but under the Sun-Mercury Kazimi, it will ultimately allow us to focus on the here and now with a methodical approach, quick reflexes, curiosity, and adaptability to utilize all available resources and information and start making useful improvements and changes in health, work, and daily life.

    ✨💫On Saturday, June 15,the sesquiquadrate between Mars and Saturn at 4° Taurus -19° Pisces respectively, reminds us that the worst enemy is inertia and, of course, the fears and insecurities that keep us bound to the past and trapped in structures and situations that we endure while needing to abandon. And it is here to recognize what undermines our growth and slows us down so we can take our power back and move freely forward.

    Overall, this week may not be the most ideal to invest in dreams, expectations, and promises as you can do in the   next one, but it has realism and information that makes you see your life and commitments more objectively. In some cases, you might even feel more productive, that you have finally accomplished much more than you believed, and you are in a position to make better decisions and expect the reward that can be equivalent to your effort.✨

    Have a blessed and creative week!✨🕊☮

    With love💓💓💓

     Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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