• Energies of the Week 27 May-2 June

    Energies of the Week 27 May-2 June

    Energies of the Week:

    May 27 – June 2

    We are navigating a creative and introspective week, continuing the work following the Full Moon in Sagittarius. This period calls for making corrections, completing chapters, and letting go. As the Moon moves into its Last Quarter phase, which often brings productive and creative tension, we feel the need to break free from previous mental constraints. This shift helps us see life more optimistically and find more joy and hope.

    Starting from yesterday, May 27, the Sun’s semi-square with Chiron at 7° Gemini and 22° Aries calls us to find new ways to express ourselves and release our energy. It encourages us to trust ourselves, our power, and our choices, and to claim what we believe we deserve, honoring what makes us feel alive. This aspect, associated with the Sabian symbol “A Strike in an Industrial Area,” emphasizes a decisive and combative nature. It urges us to correct injustices and claim our fair share from life, even amidst disagreements and conflicting interests, where we may have previously doubted our success.

    While this aspect is still active, Mercury’s sextile with Saturn at 18° Taurus and Pisces occurring today, May 28, provides cosmic support for making agreements or negotiations, solidifying plans, and securing the practical means to achieve them. Investing in something reliable, long-lasting, and promising to shape your dreams is particularly favorable if you belong to the late second or early third decan of the earth and water signs. This energy supports all spiritual work, study, interaction, and transaction, grounding us and providing the organizational spirit and stability needed just before Mercury’s revealing conjunction with Uranus at the end of the week, bringing new ideas and something imaginative and revolutionary.

    On Wednesday, May 29, Venus at 7 °Gemini, the same degree where the Sun was on Monday, will clash with Mars and Chiron in a semi-square, reminding us where we neglected our needs, made concessions, and surrendered our power, time, resources, and energy to others. It highlights where we have been hurt and our interests threatened, urging us to defend them, which can be achieved here with the help and cooperation of others.

    Additionally, the Mars-Chiron conjunction occurring at a 23° Aries  symbolized by “A Woman in Pastel Colors Carrying a Heavy, Valuable, and Well-Hidden Load” suggests a state of incubation and preparation for the future. What are you incubating, hiding, and unable to reveal yet?

     How many creative forces have you left unutilized or hidden due to fear, guilt, defeatism, insecurities, lack of confidence, and wrongly implanted beliefs?

    The presence of Mars and Chiron at this degree can make you feel vulnerable, confronting a deeper wound—physical, psychological, or financial. However, it is an energy that calls you to manage and heal the problem at its root and not allow it to define you anymore. It might also bring you face-to-face with anger, violence, and destructive behaviors, either your own or others’.

    This moment has two possible outcomes: you could either paralyze and succumb to what harms you, maintaining patterns of self-destruction and codependent relationships, or reclaim your power, set better boundaries, and heal the wounds of the ego illuminated by Chiron in Aries through alternative and creative action, and above all, with unwavering faith in yourself.

    Also, be mindful of whether your self-talk is sabotaging you and speak to yourself with the recognition and encouragement you deserve, as you would with anyone fighting their own battles.

    On Thursday, May 30, the Last Quarter Moon at 9°46′ Pisces, squaring the Sun and Venus, emphasizes our need to feel loved, understood, and valued. Occurring in the last sign of the zodiac, the release here will be significant. It’s a time to let go of wounds, relationships, people, and situations that you no longer believe in and that keep you in vicious cycles. This moon enhances imagination and spiritual connection, making artistic expression and creation, meditation, prayer, forgiveness, and support for others excellent choices.

    On Friday, May 31, the cosmic messenger Mercury’s conjunction with Uranus at 24° Taurus brings new imaginative ideas, significant knowledge, a fresh perspective, and an entirely new way of viewing and interacting with the world that should not be left unutilized. This day may bring important discoveries, enlightening conversations, and messages, news, and information to light that can change our plans and direction. For instance, a geopolitical event or a development in technology, communication, food, or the environment could prompt us to change not only our habits but also our customs.

    Over the weekend, welcoming the new month, we are under the influence of two aspects becoming exact on June 2-3. The sextile of Mercury with Neptune at 29° Taurus-Pisces is a blessed aspect that enhances empathy, imagination, intuitive abilities, and brings divine inspirations that can add a different color to our lives and help us find imaginative solutions to practical issues.

    And of course, the significant trine between Jupiter and Pluto at 1° Gemini-Aquarius opens a gateway to transformation and promises regeneration and success that can stem from spiritual work, communication, travel, engagement with laws, religion, politics, philosophy, and technology. These areas can prove to be sources of real wealth, particularly rewarding those who decide to serve a higher purpose and work for the common Good!

    With love💓💓💓

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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