• Full Moon In Sagittarius

    Full Moon In Sagittarius


    May 23, 2024

    “Viva La Vida!”

    Under its light, you can experience boundless inspiration, enthusiasm, passion, a renewed sense of freedom and purpose, see the bright side of everything, and find joy.

    This Full Moon occurs in a sign of optimism, faith, and quest, with a higher vision and philosophy of life, viewing it as an exciting adventure, making this Sagittarius Moon exceptionally unique and beloved.

    The Full Moon on May 23 at 4:53 pm for Greece at 2°.55′ Sagittarius, the last before the summer solstice, is here to reveal a new perspective and make you see all that is possible for you, in the house-area of your life it occurs.

    It has an immediate influence if you have planets and points in Mutable signs —and special favor if you belong to Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, especially in the first five days.

    This Moon may bring results and rewards from actions and previous choices, completing a journey of search and creation that began at the New Moon in the same sign six months earlier. It will illuminate truths and reveal everything you have learned and what you still need to release.

    This is a moment to see in the house-area of your life where it occurs, a chapter that has reached its full development, and also realize what doesn’t work, limits you, doesn’t help your growth, and needs to go.

    Have you perhaps lost your freedom, vision, and joy, clinging to the past, the same relationships, and patterns? Doing things, you don’t love and that don’t align with your potentials and visions?

    This expansive and optimistic Moon in the realm of Jupiter, the planet of abundance, opportunities, wisdom, and vastness, adds new dimensions to our joy, love, hope, and expectations.

    It wants us to have open horizons and change our beliefs where necessary, especially if they no longer serve us. It wants us to celebrate and live life to the fullest, enriching our knowledge and experiences. To be generous with others and ourselves and to release what imprisons and diminishes us, making room for something new that honors our freedom, passion, and purpose.

    Simultaneously, it promotes acquiring new knowledge, interacting with foreign cultures, engaging with philosophy, religion, and academic studies, while bringing results and decisions related to these areas.

    The Sun from the multidimensional and ever-changing sign of Gemini, as an integral part of this energy, allows us to learn, gather and share experiences and knowledge, see our issues from many angles, and move differently.

    From 3°Gemini, considered a Gateway of Apprenticeship, it allows us to be flexible, recognize misinformation and wrong directions we might have taken, and stay open to dialogue. To deal with prejudices, fanaticism, contradictions, and mental distortions often manifested in the Gemini-Sagittarius Axis and make adjustments.

    The trine and sextile of the Sun and Moon with Pluto in Aquarius, with the latter applying a trine with Jupiter, is a powerful energetic signature that allows us, to be aware of our power and desires, to take control of our lives, integrate new ideas, and proceed with personal transformations and social changes.

    As Pluto’s aspects with the Lights, marry progressive thinking with depth and emotional intelligence, our determination, personal power, and influence is enhanced. This is also an excellent moment to connect more deeply with others and collaborate to overcome crises and turn every challenge into an opportunity for self-improvement and collective growth.

    With Jupiter simultaneously in a trine to Pluto, promising achievements and setting us on a new evolutionary path.

    The annual conjunction of Venus with the ruler of the Full Moon, Jupiter, a few hours earlier, is undoubtedly an omen ensuring luck, opportunities, and growth in this Lunar cycle, creating new possibilities for values, finances, and love.

    And despite occurring at the final anaretic 29° Taurus, which involves reviewing and managing the old and for some paying off karma, it brings us rewards and the opportunity to honor our self-worth and have something secure and tangible in our arsenal before embarking on a new adventure.

    With the degree of the conjunction symbolized in the Sabian symbols as “A Peacock parading on the terrace of an old castle,” reminding us of the blessings and gifts we enjoy and have inherited, just before we begin to share them in the stage of Gemini.

    A degree likely not wanting us to remain in self-satisfaction, superficiality, and the safety of what we have, but as indicated by the presence of Alcyone from the Pleiades constellation, a star associated with heightened spiritual abilities, inner vision, and enlightenment coming through patterns of death and rebirth,

    to recognize what has been given to us and show gratitude.

    To manage our resources, talents, abilities, and luck with maturity, taking the higher path as suggested by inner illumination unique to each of us.

    All of this is reinforced by the harmonious synergy of the two benefic planets with Neptune also at the anaretic 29° Pisces, giving us the opportunity to connect with great dreams, ideals, and visions. To find our highest purpose and at the same time help those in need, alleviating pains and bringing redemption and Peace within us and in our World.

    On a personal level, when Venus and its higher octave Neptune are in sextile, you can be sure that the path to manifest your dreams is open. Your intuition guides you correctly to invest where necessary, seize opportunities, and make the best possible decisions.

    This energy has a huge influence if you belong to the late degrees of the Mutable signs and can be utilized if you belong to the earth and water signs, helping you connect with the higher self, inspiration, beauty, artistry, and the magic of life.

    The special planetary formation of a “cradle” that the Lights form with Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto ultimately shows us that our physical and spiritual rebirth has succeeded and is divinely and cosmically protected.

    As long as we maintain pure thought and intention, which is the main characteristic of the formation, and our faith in Higher Good that allows us to overcome the difficulties and contradictions of life and give them meaning and purpose.

    In this Full Moon, set a goal, draw the bow, and release the arrow of intention, believing that you have the means and abilities needed to manifest your dreams, ideas, desires, and all that is possible for you.

    At the culmination of this Lunar cycle, we are called to discover our higher self and divinity, which allows us to attract and create joy, happiness, and abundance as long as we see our life from a higher perspective and find reasons to make it better.

    Wishing you a blessed Full Moon✨☮🕊

    With love❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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