• Mars conjuct North Node In Aries May 20,2024

    Mars conjuct North Node In Aries May 20,2024


    IN ARIES ✨🌀♈

    May 20, 2024

    Traditionally, Mars is considered an adversarial force, associated with violence, destruction, and anger. However, Mars, the planet of instinct, willpower, and survival, also drives us to take action, assert ourselves, and fight for a cause or ideal.

    Mars connects us with our desires and missions, gets the adrenaline going, urging us to defend and protect ourselves and our loved ones, and compels us to engage in battles for survival and the common good.These struggles can also lead to recognition, fulfillment, and success.

    When Mars, in its position of power in fiery Aries, meets the North Node—the point of growth, individual and collective destiny—it can serve as a call to action, urging us to step forward with courage, determination, a fighting spirit, and leadership qualities to claim a better future for ourselves.

    Collectively, this aspect can enhance activism, escalate conflicts, and ignite battlefields. Personally, it can awaken the hero and inner warrior within you, activated by a challenge, adversity, or a new purpose.

    The aspect, perfected on May 20 but active from May 18 to 22, might feel like fate pushing you to take on a fight and do something you’ve never dared or considered before.

    You may find yourself taking initiatives, making brave decisions, and starting projects that will lead to personal growth and faster alignment with your destiny.

    This condition is favorable if you belong to Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, as well as Gemini, or Aquarius with planets and points between 11°-17° degrees of the signs. It will empower you to make the right choices, tackle difficult tasks, and achieve your goals and ambitions. You might also connect with people who suddenly enter your life, that will play a pivotal role in your journey and personal evolution.

    However, if your horoscope receives this aspect disharmoniously, you might encounter violence, anger, exhausting battles, destructive passions, hostile individuals, or accidents beyond your control and responsibility.

    These challenges, though difficult at first, will serve to mobilize and inspire you to change course.

    Especially with the upcoming Mars-Chiron conjunction on May 29, the third in a series, which highlights the wound and healing of the Masculine principle within our world and ourselves—a process that unfortunately doesn’t always occur bloodlessly.

    It remains to be seen how this will manifest individually and globally, particularly as Mars, transiting at 19° Aries on May 26, activates the April solar eclipse.

    This astrological event, shortly after the revealing Full Moon in Sagittarius, is expected to trigger significant political and social developments, military events, leadership changes, as well as various types of losses and disasters, given Neptune’s challenging position in the final degrees of Pisces, besieged by Mars and Saturn from April 26 to mid-July.

    On a personal level, regardless of where you fight your battles—whether in life’s arena or on an actual battlefield—to survive, defend, protest, excel, conquer, or simly improve your life remember that with Mars in Aries conjunct the North Node, it might be difficult to retreat since the goal here is the trophy and victory.

    Nonetheless, it is crucial to choose your battles wisely to ensure they have real meaning for you and justify you.

    Stay true to your ideals and principles to avoid causing or suffering harm, to honour the fight and the efforts and gracefully claim the winner’s seat.✨🕊☮

    With love❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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