• Pluto retrogade In Aquarius

    Pluto retrogade In Aquarius


    MAY 2, 2024

    From today until October 11, Pluto will be travelling retrograde in Aquarius.

    What is it that instills fear in us and we experience as a threat?

    Are we afraid of losing our freedom or do we fear the unknown, innovation, technological possibilities, social and political developments, and climate change that are altering our lives and the planet?

    Perhaps we fear the diversity of others, or even our own different versions, undermining our own evolution?

    For the next period under this influence, we are going to confront our biases, our repressed emotions, and our programming

    our ideological system, our fears, and our obsessions.

    Old behaviors that follow us and do not work, pains that we have not healed, and parts of ourselves that need to die in order for us to transform and align with the new frequencies.

    The Sabian symbol of Pluto retrograde in Aquarius at 3° degrees ” A Deserter from the navy ” is the moment when the individual chooses to express their independence, discovering their uniqueness and authentic nature.

    It is here that we find the strength to reject what previously defined us. To escape from our past, the expectations of others, the bonds of social demands, and to stop postponing our personal development.

    A degree where the individual challenges the social establishment, follows their own path and ethics, and their personal instinct.

    This celestial event is a catalyst for spiritual growth, inviting us to embrace changes, release what does not align with our higher truth, in order to heal and liberate ourselves individually and collectively.

    Where does your instinct lead you to leave behind, and how do you plan to break free from limitations that hinder your personal growth?

    Pluto’s retrograde may prove to be a Purging of personal and social fears, necessary for us to move forward, and we must not miss this opportunity.

    With love❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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