• Energies Of The Week April 29 – May 5 2024

    Energies Of The Week April 29 – May 5 2024


    April 29 – May 5 2024

    As an intense and pivotal month comes to a close, we reflect on its profound celestial events. A poweful Solar Eclipse in Aries, the epic Uranus-Sun conjunction in Taurus, a transformative Scorpio Full Moon resembling an eclipse, and the retrograde Mercury are now behind us. However, their strong energies, new insights, and revelations continue to guide us, leading us down new paths, with new ways, and renewed strength.

    Thankfully May is the most promising, fertile, and rewarding month of the year, coming to compensate us with promises growth, abundance, expansion, as long as we are present and grounded to recognize its gifts and seize the opportunities.

    ✨🌀🥀On Monday, April 29, the applying Mars-Neptune conjunction in the final degree of Pisces reaches its culmination. From here on, we begin counting down to the end of the ethereal phase we have experienced for days.

    This influence brought us empathy, spiritual strength, and connection, but at a lower vibration, it also brought low physical energy, illusions, disappointments, grief and perhaps victimization. It now recedes, allowing us to gradually restore the vitality, initiative and clarity that we lacked.

    On the same day, the planet of love and beauty, Venus, enters the earthy, practical, and stable sign of Taurus, where it will remain until May 23. This invites us to slow down, relax, and dedicate ourselves to what brings us pleasure and harmony, stability, comfort, and security.

    Taurus, governed by Venus, discovers the world through its senses and seeks to surround itself with life’s beautiful things: tastes, scents, melodies, textures, and images. It’s time to uplift our mood, relationships, appearance, to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, and connect with beauty wherever it may be found.

    Simultaneously, this energy encourages us to connect more with Mother Nature and the Earth’s energies, to feel gratitude for what we have and enjoy, in order to attract and increase abundance.

    This influence gradually brings gifts to all Fixed signs, with special favor to those of earth and water.

    A reminder: the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus has brought changes in how we define happiness, wealth, success, and Venus’ journey in combination with its planetary alignments is poised to affirm this for us.

    ✨🌀🥀On Tuesday, April 30, Mars, the planet of willpower, action, and war, enters fiery Aries, where it will govern until June 9. Thanks to the all-powerful energy of fiery Mars, we can once again feel strong, courageous, decisive, and motivated. We are more ready to take action and battle, disregarding difficulties and without fear of failure. It’s time to start something new, daring, and perhaps what we postponed previously. Also, it’s a moment to collectively find the courage to react, protest, and fight for justice, truth and peace.

    This energy may make us witnesses or protagonists of conflicts and revolutions, intensifying the warlike atmosphere, especially when Mars encounters the North Node, Chiron, Eris and the degree of the last solar eclipse during the last ten days of May and early June.

    This influence will give a fresh impetus to individuals belonging to fire and air signs, empowering them to take initiatives and lead in a certain area of their lives, to move with confidence and enthusiasm toward something they desire greatly and succeed.

    ✨🌀🥀On Wednesday, May 1, the square between Venus and Pluto in Taurus and Aquarius reminds us that to have the peace, stability, and security we desire in our relationships and finances, we need to manage, change, or release certain things.

    Just before Pluto goes retrograde, it brings us significant realizations and challenges to what we previously took for granted. It’s also a big test for our values, relationships, and self-worth, aiming to show us which parts of our lives have completed their cycles and need to go. Fears, obsessions, passions, insecurities may cause ruptures in relationships, while revelations, scandals, power games, and inflationary pressures become more visible collectively. It’s a moment that demands honesty, transformation, and taking responsibility.

    With this influence touching the early degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius, it’s an opportunity to open your soul to others and connect on a deeper level. To abandon toxic people and situations that perpetuate harm and give yourself the chance to be reborn. To find wisdom in pains and difficulties, emerging with newfound strength.

    On the same day, the Moon is in its Last Quarter phase 🌗 at 11°.34′ Aquarius ♒, and its square with the Sun in Taurus may be responsible for conflict and tensions in relationships and within ourselves, as the desire for independence, new horizons, and change, clashes with previous securities and tendencies for maintenance.

    However, in this lunar phase, we continue the purging and liberation initiated by the Scorpio Full Moon, called upon to manage internal pressures, tear down walls, and dare to step out of safety zones.

    It’s a moment of internal revolution that urges us to abandon what doesn’t serve us well, to arrive lighter and more prepared for the New Moon in Taurus, which will open a new chapter and bring new opportunities.

    ✨🌀🥀On Thursday, May 2 Pluto stations at 2° Aquarius, to begin its retrograde journey that will last until October 13, with its final destination being at 29° Capricorn, which will traverse for the last time from September 1st to November 19th.

    This journey will lead us to dig deeper and realize the ways power is utilized, both our own and that of others. It will help us identify what isn’t working on a personal level to make transformative changes.

    A time when we will process and better understand what Pluto intends to change in Aquarius over the next 20 years and the consequences this will have on a social and political level.

    This will be an opportunity to delve into the root of our problems and confront our shadows: fears, weaknesses, restrictive beliefs, self-sabotage, in order to stop ignoring them, seek help where needed, and find the path to healing and redemption.

    This influence directly affects those primarily belonging to the first two degrees of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and the last two degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, prompting them to see what they can no longer or don’t want to control, in order to release it and give themselves a second chance.

    ✨🌀🥀A few days later, on May 6, the semi-square of Saturn with Pluto, which will repeat in September 2024 and January 2025, will reveal resistance to what Pluto attempts in Aquarius, especially when it pertains to systems and authorities that are about to change hands.

    This configuration will intensify the conflict between the old status quo and the new, highlighting the challenges in the transformation process of any previous system, oligarchy, or authority that Pluto had established since 2008 in Capricorn.

    ✨🌀🥀On Friday, May 3, Mars in Aries sextiles retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, providing an opportunity for fire and air signs of the first degrees to find courage, willpower, and determination to overcome obstacles and challenges, pursue ambitious goals, and align with their truth and purpose.

    It’s empowering to know who you truly are and what you want from life, to trust yourself to let go of what doesn’t align and this energy promises to strengthen your personal power and bring support and resources onto your path, which, can transform an area of your life and lead to rebirth.

    After the intense and revealing energies of the previous days, this week allows us to have deeper levels of understanding, focus on what we value and matters to us, and begin preparing the ground for everything we want to create.

    As the New Moon in Taurus approaches on May 8, it will give us the opportunity to plant a new seed for something we want to thrive and blossom. For this to happen, there needs to be faith, trust, self-love, and deep roots!

    Wishing you a blessed week ahead and a new month filled with devine blessings!✨🕊🥀☮

    With love ❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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