• Full Moon In Scorpio April 24, 2024

    Full Moon In Scorpio April 24, 2024


    April 24, 2024


    on Heaven’s door”

    Under this all-powerful and explosive moon, nothing will be easy and nothing superficial. Our shadows and well-hidden secrets, everything happening backstage and in the subconscious, patterns of decay and destruction, deeply intense emotions will be in front of us to face.

    As a Full Moon in Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, death, and rebirth, it always plunges us into the depths of existence, the soul, and the Underworld, making us see buried emotions, desires, and truths in our lives that we’ve hidden, ignored, or avoided. Things that have ceased to work and we hold onto out of security and habit need to be released and alchemized for us to move forward differently.

    This moon is for those who don’t want half-truths and fear no challenges, especially when Pluto forms a disharmonious square with the Lights, the Sun, and the Moon, making this process even more intense, dramatic, and revealing.

    The Full Moon occurring on April 24, at 2:48 AM for Greece, at 04°17′ Scorpio, the most complex and intuitive sign of all, is a moon that will strip away masks and bring transformation, great power, and healing if you’re willing to let go of what has run its course and stopped serving your higher good, to move to the next stage of your personal evolution.

    If you belong to Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius with planets and points close to 2°-7° degrees of the signs and in the house of your life that this Full Moon occurs in, it brings escalation and completion to something that may have started with the New Moon in Scorpio in November 2023, while also showing an evolution in something brought by the New Moon and Eclipse at 6° Taurus in October 2023, which it activates, as well as the last New Moon Solar eclipse in Aries that took place two weeks ago.

    If it personally resonates with you, it’s likely to unearth your obsessions, fears, and passions, even tendencies for control and dominance in your life, giving you the choice to make decisions, redirect, or release whatever binds you to the past, to fulfill or create your karma.

    This moon might also ask you: How do you wield your power?

    To control and manipulate others or to support and protect them?

    To create or to destroy?

    What kind of abundance and wealth do you seek in your life and what means do you employ to attract them?

    Have you misused, violated, or abused, and is it all coming back to you now?

    Pluto brings a crisis, unearthing what’s unhealthy to transform and remove it. With him, there’s no bargaining or escaping, only enduring the consequences and waiting, as only he can provide the solution and bring redemption.

    This Full Moon, with Pluto in Aquarius, is also working for the future, aiming to restore our independence and authenticity, to restore truth and justice, even if it does so in the most radical ways.

    While shedding light on societal pathologies, scandals and corruption of systems and governments, it also highlights hidden agendas of mass control and manipulation, issues related to taxation, debt, big capital, land, minerals, oil, nuclear power, sexuality, reproduction, and DNA, all under Pluto’s jurisdiction.

    At the same time, as it takes place on the sidelines of the significant Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, urging us to embrace new possibilities and innovative ways of growth, it illuminates the consequences and sacrifices needed during this new cycle, which for some may be even more challenging.

    As Mars, the secondary and traditional ruler of the Full Moon, moves away from the trine with Jupiter and Uranus and heads into a conjunction with Neptune in a demanding degree, meeting adverse star Scheat, it’s a call to make a big cleanup and close something difficult and painful from the past, to free ourselves and move into the new.

    Under this planetary alignment, which may additionally be responsible for the physical weakening, the disappointments, the dilemmas, and the lack of direction that we may experience during this time, the key is to trust your intuition, to maintain faith, hope, and connection with your vision, in order to distance yourself from the past and find a bright and less painful way out.

    Furthermore, you need to recognize that you have changed internally, and dare to make external changes that will connect you with abundance and open the door to your paradise.

    You can achieve it.

    Venus, Chiron, the North Node, and Mercury in Aries, with the latter making a Station turning direct, shortly after the Full Moon, have illuminated a wound and opened a new path of healing and self-improvement for you.

    Now, through the challenges and lessons, you have seen what is valuable to you and appreciate yourself and your potential differently. You have seen the wrong mindsets, know who you are, what you need, and feel that you will succeed, having received feedback and new strength in your healing journey.

    The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 5°Scorpio, “A massive rocky shoreline” symbolizes our boundaries that need to be recognized and defended to ensure the stability and protection we desire. However, since nothing remains stable and unchanged, and with time, even rocks erode, so too with boundaries, we need to know when to abandon them and let the waves of life give us a new form.

    The degee of the Sun at 5° Taurus, “A widow at an open grave,” symbolizes the impermanence of all things, the chapters of life that end, and our still-open wounds. It hints at the possibility of a difficult separation and the need to fill the void, which can be the greatest challenge.

    If everything seems difficult, painful, and complicated to you in this Full Moon, the answer and antidote are given by the Sun in Taurus, which allows you to navigate transformations by finding security and certainty within yourself.

    This energy teaches you to be present, grounded, and to appreciate what you already have. It allows you to simplify your life and solve problems through a path of self-care, peace, and love.

    It shows you that Paradise is closer than you thought!

    Wishing you a blessed Full Moon

    With love ❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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