• Jupiter conjuct Uranus In Taurus & Energies of the week April 15-21, 2024

    Jupiter conjuct Uranus In Taurus & Energies of the week April 15-21, 2024



    APRIL 15-21, 2024

    While the Solar Eclipse in Aries may have passed, we find ourselves still riding the wave of energy it has initiated, urging us to tap into our power, embrace new ways of growth and healing, and open the door to new possibilities.

    This eclipse aimed to redirect us and give a new shape to certain areas of our lives, hence you may already feel the signs and warnings of something new and transformative on the horizon, even if you’re not sure exactly how it will manifest.

    As we try to process the new energies and the message of the eclipse, this week we have an appointment with the second major astrological event of the month, the highly anticipated conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.

    This unique and rare planetary alignment, catalytic for our consciousness and experience, may initially bring shocking sudden changes and challenges that destabilize us, yet it will be essential for our awakening, liberation, and true evolution, allowing us to write a new chapter in our personal and collective history.

    ✨🌀On Monday, April 15th, Mercury, having aligned with the heart of the Sun during its inferior conjunction on April 12th, conjuncts Chiron at 19° of Aries, the degree of the eclipse.

    This alignment encourages us to bravely confront our past, recognize what wounds and pains have taught us, and realize that to make a significant leap forward, we need to heal and reprogram something deeper within ourselves.

    In the area of your influenced by this conjunction, especially if planets and points of your chart are involved, it’s a moment to assess whether your thoughts and beliefs are working for your highest good, to forgive and grant forgiveness to those who may have hurt you, seek reconciliation where needed and possibly engage in uncomfortable yet cathartic conversations that propel your healing journey forward.

    On the same day, with the Moon in the 1st quarter phase 🌓 at 26°.18′ degrees of Cancer, you are encouraged to open your heart and share with those you feel close to your emotions, aspirations, even your doubts.

    Tune into your intuition, which under this moon can be exceptionally potent and begin investing your time and energy in pursuits aligned with your intentions in this significant lunar cycle marked by the eclipse.

    The Sabian symbol for the degree of the Moon, “A storm in a canyon,” suggests a crisis and upheaval that confronts us with forces beyond our control fostering a sense of instability and unceratainty.

    In such moments, our destiny calls upon us to tap into our resilience and activate our potential to navigate unforeseen challenges.

    ✨🌀Meanwhile on Wednesday, April 17th Venus in Aries aligns with the North Node igniting a fiery passion for independence, self-discovery, and pursuing personal desires. This is an opportune moment to prioritize your happiness and fulfillment. Identify relationships that nurture harmony, give life meaning and purpose and provide a platform for showcasing your talents and advancing on your path of growth.

    This is a golden opportunity to strive for a better future both personally and professionally and to invest in relationships and groups that enhance abundance, elevate spirits, and support your journey towards new horizons.

    If you are influenced by planets and points in the 2nd decanate near 14°-16° degrees of Cardinal signs or belong to fire and air signs, you can expect opportunities for growth and evolution, as well as recognition and support in creative and artistic endeavors.

    ✨🌀 On Friday, April 19th, retrograde Mercury at 17°.32′ degrees of Aries, just before turning direct, aligns with Venus, potentially reviving past connections, desires or love, reigniting channels of communication.

    With heartfelt expressions flowing freely these days, fascilitating healing and reconciliation we can more easily forgive, empathize, apologize, and express gratitude. This is an ideal time for romantic encounters,intimate conversations and the renewal of bonds.

    If you’re engaged in a financial negotiation or a presentation and speech that seeks wider acceptance and response, given that this occurs near the North Node, seize this moment.

    On the same day, as the Sun transitions into stable and earthy Taurus ♉ for the coming month month, it invites us to ground ourselves in the tangible, practical, and pleasurable aspects of existence. This energy encourages a slower pace, prioritizing physical well-being, cultivating prosperity, fostering stability, and nurturing deep connections with our passions and the natural world.

    As Mars, at 21° degrees of Pisces, forms a harmonious sextile with Jupiter in Taurus on the same day, it strengthens our power, vitality, enthusiasm and optimism.

    This auspicious alignment empowers water and earth signs, particularly those in the beginning of the 3rd decanate with the courage and drive to pursue new ventures, take calculated risks, and make decisions that lead to success and recognition.

    If directly influenced by these celestial energies harness the blend of willpower, intuition, and fortune to invest in something you deeply believe in and find inspiring, seizing opportunities for growth and fulfillment in both your personal and professional spheres.

    ✨🌀 On Saturday, April 20th, Mars sextiles Uranus just prior to the major conjunction, infusing us with abundant energy, innovative ideas, and a sense of adventure.

    This alignment evokes a spirit of independence, experimentation, and discovery, compelling us to embrace change and set our sights on new aspirations and inspired actions. Embrace the momentum of this cosmic synergy as it propels you towards transformative shifts and exciting possibilities.

    ✨🌀 On Sunday, April 21st, the highly anticipated Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, occurring every 14 years, unfolds at 21° degrees of Taurus, heralding a profound revolution in our consciousness and experience, with far-reaching implications. This celestial alignment last manifested in 1941, amidst the tumultuous onset of World War II, carrying profound significance for resources economics, and survival during that era.

    However this time it occurs in a degree symbolized by Sabian as ‘A white dove flies over troubled waters,’ conveying a powerful message of peace and hope.

    It represents a divine omen, reminiscent of the Holy Spirit descending in the form of a dove, as illustrated in the biblical narrative of Noah’s Ark, signaling a favorable outcome and the dawn of a new era.

    This symbol signifies divine guidance, guiding us through crises towards positive outcomes and peaceful resolutions, even amidst turbulent times.

    As Jupiter’s expansive energy merges with Uranus’ awakening and revolutionary power in Taurus, the realm of physical reality, we stand on the brink of extraordinary discoveries and innovations across various fields, including sciences, medicine, agriculture, architecture, and higher education. Yet, it may also herald a monumental shockwave that upends our worldview, norms, and established practices.

    Collectively, this momentous conjunction offers a fertile ground for Uranus in Taurus, which has otherwise posed challenges and adversities to humanity over the past six years in terms of health, biology, economy, and the environment from its position of fall.

    The planetary convergence promises groundbreaking technological advancements, triggering social upheavals, and ushering in sudden geophysical, political, and economic shifts, aimed at propelling us into a new era of creation and progress.

    This cosmic energy serves as a catalyst for breaking free from the shackles of habit and transcending restrictive beliefs, conventions, and barriers. It beckons us to step out of our comfort zones, embracing change by adopting new habits, thought patterns, and actions that elevate our lives and set us on a transformative path.

    Depending on the placement of the conjunction in your astrological chart, as well as the positioning of Taurus and the houses occupied by Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces, along with the aspects formed, you’ll discern which areas of your life are poised for transformation, where quantum leaps await, and how to embrace the incoming energies.

    Amidst this energetically charged day, the conjunction’s despositor Venus, aligns with Chiron at 20° degrees of Aries, underscoring the principle that growth often arises from pain.

    Thus, embracing oneself and harnessing the therapeutic power of love, both from within and from others, becomes pivotal for finding happiness and mustering the strength to align with the unfolding changes and developments.

    With the Sun-Pluto square at 2° Taurus-Aquarius sealing the day, we’re invited to reassess our desires and embark on transformative changes to chart a new course forward.

    As external pressures from various sources seek to exert control or manipulate outcomes and the quest for stability clashes with inevitable changes, it becomes imperative to recognize that only by uprooting ingrained behaviors, patterns, and attachments can we navigate through crises and find redemption.

    For those positively influenced by the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, belonging to Earth and Water signs, the advice is to seize the opportunities presented and open themselves fully to receive blessings.

    Conversely, for those encountering challenging aspects, such as the Air and Fire signs, the counsel is to embrace the unknown, remain flexible, and proactively seek out opportunities, trusting that they ultimately serve their highest good and connect them with abundance.✨

    Wishing you a peaceful, blessed and enlightening week ahead✨☮🕊

    With love ❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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