• Solar Eclipse New Moon In Aries  April 8, 2024

    Solar Eclipse New Moon In Aries April 8, 2024


    APRIL 8, 2024

    ‘’Bitter Sweet symphony’’

    Another solar eclipse in Aries is here to give you a new impetus, to open up new paths of growth, and to perform a major reset and upgrade in an area of your life.

    An eclipse that comes to close previous cycles and to initiate new ones that will take us further on our journey, enabling us to collectively and individually write a new chapter in our history.

    This is the mechanics and magic of eclipses that act as catalysts, accelerating evolution, bringing transformative experiences, and compressing what would typically unfold over years into a condensed timeframe.

    The potent total Solar Eclipse and New Moon, taking place at 19°.24′ Aries on April 8, and 21:20 local time for Greece, as a North Node Eclipse, is poised to propel us forward into the future and aid in our evolution.

    Through the events it will bring in the coming months, it will compel us to step out of previous safety zones, embrace new possibilities and grow.

    Therefore, if there is a flame and a desire within you to embark on a new journey of your life or to reignite an old dream, especially where 19° Aries lies in your chart, now is the time to take bold steps and manifest your aspirations.

    In the fearless sign of Aries, which thrives on challenges, lives passionately in the present, and revels in the excitement of fresh beginnings and conquests, this is a moment to venture into the unknown with courage, determination, self -belief and faith in the cosmic plan.

    When the solar disk momentarily dims, for approximately four minutes, you will be prompted to perceive the world and your life through a new lense.

    It’s during this time that you may recognize your uniqueness, your true essence and your potential for greatness, even the new version of yourself, poised to emerge, giving you new reasons to live and fight.

    A total eclipse in Aries is a total reset for individuality, your personal identity, consciousness, and resilience, and when it is in precise conjunction with Chiron, symbolizing the primal wound, it suggests a profound healing process that holds the promise of transforming your life.

    This energy serves to illuminate your shadows, unearth deep-seated insecurities and traumas, with the aim to recognize them and move to the next phase of your healing, transforming them into sources of strength and enlightenment on your journey.

    With the influence of Chiron, representing a painful experience and wound that drains you, physically or emotionally, leaving you feeling defeated and possibly marginalized, now is the time to offer yourself extra care and prioritize your well-being.

    To redefine issues of autonomy, survival, how you fight and defend yourself. Understand that you don’t have to struggle alone; consider seeking alternative paths and external support.

    Take a look at where you’ve overlooked or neglected your personal needs; where you have lost your connection with yourself , putting your needs on hold, perhaps waiting for love and validation from others.

    Additionally reassess which roles, beliefs, identities you have outgrown and align yourself with your passions and purpose, which may be very different from previous expectations.

    Embrace your wounded self to pave the way forward, recognizing that you don’t need to strive excessively for love and acceptance. You have worth, just as you are, with your mistakes and flaws that have become beacons, to move forward differently.

    If, however, you haven’t engaged in self -work and remain entrenched in egoic patterns, all this may manifest as a crisis, trapping you in lower frequencies of fear, anger, sadness, guilt, and denial.

    Yet, if you have committed to personal growth and have the intention to contribute positively, transformation and healing are assured and you can leverage this evolutionary opportunity to emerge from the most challenging situations with new found self-awareness.

    While if you are a born healer, you can expect a significant awakening and possibly a new elevated role bestowed generously by the Universe.

    The applying conjunction of the eclipse ruler Mars with Saturn the planet of karma and boundaries, at 14° Pisces, indicates the obstacles, challenges and resistance that may impede our progress.

    While our emotions and intuition may guide us, making us more vulnerable and compassionate, the energy wants to ensure that we have a solid plan and strategy, be patient, well-prepared, and confident before embarking on new endeavors.

    With the influence also acting as a safety net that will reduce the intensity, minimize risks, preventing impulsive actions and decisions.

    The Sabian symbol of this particular conjunction, depicting military exercises, suggests that spiritual discipline and skill training are necessary to be effective and ready, to give small or larger battles and overcome adversities.

    As Saturn harmoniously interacts with Jupiter and Uranus, preparing for their highly anticipated conjunction on April 21st, it supports our commitment to a greater vision and purpose.

    This is a moment to tap into our psychic abilities and implement our spiritual practices to facilitate our journey towards evolution.

    While Mercury, currently retrograde, serves as the cosmic signal to slow down, observe, and uncover the missing pieces of information needed to navigate the new path with wisdom and profound insight.

    The Sabian symbol for the degree of the eclipse, ‘A young girl feeding birds in winter,’ underscores the values of generosity, kindness, love, compassion, and selflessness that can transcend any crisis.

    It urges us to nurture and cultivate our pure and unadulterated spirit, that can transcend circumstances of decay and lack, aiding others and all beings in need for a better survival.

    This eclipse, traversing over America, may herald significant social and geopolitical shifts and shed light on issues pertaining to leadership, borders, armed forces, minorities, as well as issues concerning the healthcare system and justice.

    On a personal level if directly affected, with planets and points falling primarily within 17-21 degrees of Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn, know that you have the capacity to surpass every previous limitation and that your mistakes and painful experiences were meant to draw you closer to your authentic nature and pave the way path for greater fulfillment.

    When the sunlight momentarily wanes, remember that you are an inexhaustible source of light made of love, the most potent creative force in the Universe capable of healing every pain in our shared reality.

    And nothing can extinguish this fire!

    Wishing you a blessed eclipse and New Moon ✨

    With love❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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