• New Moon In Pisces  March 10, 2024

    New Moon In Pisces March 10, 2024


    MARCH 10, 2024

    “Listen to the Universe”

    It’s the final New Moon of the astrological year, opening the Gateway of Eclipses and leading us to the Spring Equinox. A Super Moon that, although unseen, is closer to Earth, making its energy more palpable and perhaps intensifying the intention we set for something new to begin.

    The March New Moon, occurring on March 10 at 10:59 GMT for Greece, at 20°16′ Pisces 🌒♓, is the moon that allows us to plant a seed of intention coming directly from the heart, the higher self, and our dreams. It’s a moon that first wants you to feel, to dream, and then to think and act. A moon that doesn’t demand you to have a specific direction but to be open to possibilities, which may lead you this time to an entirely new timeline.

    Primarily because this New Moon is connected to the energetic portals of Eclipses. Initially, the one occurring on March 25, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 5° Libra, but also the one following six months later, the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces on September 18, which will act as a catalyst for the evolution of what we’re now initiating.

    It’s a moon whose energy you’ll strongly feel if you belong to the beginning of the 3rd decan of the Mutable signs Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius, and that you can positively utilize planets If you have personal planets or points in corresponding degrees in water and earth signs.

    And it’s here at the end of the zodiac, marking the conclusion of the larger cycle, the region of transcendence and metaphysical power of Pisces, where you’re called to accept and conclude chapters that are ending, to make the necessary purification and create space for the new, focusing on the area of your life occupied by 20° Pisces.

    Although it’s challenging to believe and trust in something unknown, the proximity of this Moon with its ruler, the mystical Neptune, the planet that dissolves boundaries between the physical and spiritual worlds, allows us to overcome obstacles, to remove anything that doesn’t align with our energy field, and to manifest something from the invisible. We’re not far from this possibility. The energetic connection we may now feel with others, with our higher self, and with higher powers can help us break free from past limitations, to forgive and let go of what harmed and hurt us, and to move forward with faith towards what we wish to happen, finding spiritual meaning and our purpose.

    And perhaps there’s no better time to harness spiritual practices, to utilize your psychic and creative abilities, the power of imagination and your dreams, than when you’re in the magical and transcendent realm of Pisces. A field where you can navigate without expectations and prejudice, receive higher guidance, and surrender to the wave of life that will take you exactly where you need to be.

    The sextile of the New Moon with Uranus is the supportive synchronicity that allows you to hope, envision the future, and project yourself into it. It enables you to create opportunities and seize those that come your way, freeing yourself from past contracts, commitments, and attachments. This energy can bring unpredictable developments and enlightened connections that promise to renew and enrich your experience, supporting your visions. It offers inspiration, spiritual awakening, and the opportunity to evolve in a direction you may have never considered.

    At the same time, Mars’ square to Uranus, which is also its natural ruler, may be responsible for revelations, revolutions, extremism, and activism in the collective.

    Personally, the influence may steer changes we’d like to avoid, and we may find ourselves fighting against them, with the energy intensifying uncertainty and destabilization, making us feel like we’re on the edge and that the rules of the game are changing.

    However, this is also the only way for us to grow and to overcome obstacles that we often create ourselves. Our programming, fear of failure, artificial safety zones, and restrictive beliefs deeply rooted in our consciousness hold us back from our authentic selves. That’s why it’s useful here to align with what suits you and if you don’t want changes to catch you off guard, make the decision and initiate them yourself.

    The fact that the traditional ruler of the Moon, Jupiter, is in continuous sextile with Saturn and is heading towards the highly anticipated conjunction with Uranus in April, suggests that the opportunities here are real, but we also create them. This energy gives us the support to not only dwell in theory but also to take practical steps to change the narrative of our lives.

    Mercury, which has now moved into Aries and is the only planet in a fire sign on the chart, brings us rapid reflexes and the enthusiasm that we missed during the previous period, allowing original and authentic ideas to be immediately put into practice and yield results. Having previously formed a sextile with Neptune, it indicates imaginative ways to realize plans and ambitions that correspond to our emotional needs and dreams.

    At the same time, the sextile of the cosmic messenger with Pluto, which occurs shortly after the New Moon, is the aspect that will give additional power to speech and access to hidden truths, sources, and secrets, enabling us to delve into serious matters, solve puzzles, and engage in discussions that can transform and heal.

    This energy can help you change your thoughts and use their power to strengthen your intention, and transform your life.

    As the Moon is at the midpoint between Saturn and Neptune, which will form their extremely rare and unique conjunction at 0° Aries, the Aries point, in 2026, and Mercury is now transiting this point, it’s as if the Moon is heralding it in a way.

    Therefore, the Moon receiving vibrations from these two conflicting energies, from Saturn symbolizing boundaries, structure, limitations, separations and karma, and from Neptune representing the dissolution of boundaries, transcendence, spirituality, forgiveness, universal love and consciousness of unity, puts us in the process of recognizing consequences of wrong choices and facing our illusions and human problems.

    And while this energy may disappoint us and make us particularly vulnerable, it also shows us what unites us and that we are All together in facing pain, joy, change and healing.

    Together we stand against wars, poverty, diseases, the collapse of values, the suffering natural environment and a matrix that traps us. Perhaps because it’s time to take responsibility and change it, to stop wearing the labels of gender, religion, social class, nationality, and to break free from the stagnation of our spiritual evolution. Perhaps because only when we understand that everything concerns us all, regardless of ‘distance’ and recognize the divine in every existence, in nature and in ourselves, will we make the leap of consciousness for a new era to dawn.

    Therefore, the energy here requires us to be conscious, reminding us of limitations but also of the responsibility to build our dreams, to forgive and let go of what is needed, in order to connect with something that will give meaning to our lives and be true.

    On a collective level, this influence can illuminate health issues as well as issues related to drugs, chemicals and substances, the healthcare and correctional systems, asylums, borders, spiritual and artistic fields connected with creation and healing, where a new seed can now be planted, reforms can be made, and pioneering solutions can be offered, thanks to the positive contribution of Uranus.

    The Sabian symbol for the degree of the New Moon, “A girl caresses a white lamb under the watchful eye of a Chinese servant,” is a peaceful image of hope and innocence, representing the early stage of evolution that human consciousness discovers through senses and contact with simple things, the miracle of life. At the same time, the symbol prepares us for the unrevealed future, indicating that from the pure part of ourselves, this can begin. And it is from children but also from our own incorruptible part that still needs security, protection and the support of past experience ( symbolized by the servant) that we can spread our wings and move into a new and better world.

    In this magical new lunar cycle, which is a window of opportunity and manifestation, just before the eclipses, where everything is fluid and shaping, unlimited faith in the divine plan is needed, to follow the call of your soul and trust it.

    Because here you have spiritual support and the assurance that you are something much more than your physical experience; this is a moment to connect with your truth, what moves your heart and spirit, and let your music be heard.

    Here, more than anywhere else, you become the orchestrator of your reality and co-create with the Universe as you are One with it!

    May it be blessed and enligthening

    Happy New Moon✨☮

    With love ❤❤❤

    Sofia Semeli

    *Painting illustration

    by Rachel Blackweel

    ‘’A universe In a universe’’



Astrology by Sofia Semeli

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